The Most Amazing John Kerry Quote October 20, 2004 Listen to Rush... ( a very revealing Kerry quote and put into context with his other views) BEGIN TRANSCRIPT There is a story today in the Washington Post by Helen Dewar and Thomas Ricks, the headline: Help of Allies Among Three Key Themes. I want you to listen to this quote from Kerry. This quote is actually from April 17th of 1994 on CNN's Late Edition. This is back when Frank Sesno hosted the program. This is the third paragraph of the story in the Washington Post today. "Kerry's belief in working with allies runs so deep that he has maintained that the loss of American life can be better justified if it occurs in the course of a mission with international support. In 1994, discussing the possibility of U.S. troops being killed in Bosnia, he said, 'If you mean dying in the course of the United Nations effort, yes, it is worth that. If you mean dying American troops unilaterally going in with some false presumption that we can affect the outcome, the answer is unequivocally no.'" So I mean there you have it. John Kerry believes that American troops dying under the banner of the UN flag is acceptable, when dying under the banner of the American flag is not. I hope he's asked about this. This is something that shows up again in the Washington Post today, it's from 1994. This is the best evidence we have, and this is from Kerry's own lips, of his obsession -- and I don't think that's too strong a word to use here -- his obsession with the UN. If you take this quote and combine it with his other words and his record, you have irrefutable evidence, all the evidence we need that he worships at the shrine of the United Nations. Here's the actual question and answer from Frank Sesno CNN on Late Edition, April 17th of 1994. Sesno says: Senator Kerry, it begs the question, what are the U.S. interests and the strategic interests in this place called the Balkans? Kerry: Well, they are less than our interests in perhaps Haiti. They are greater than our interests in Somalia. Sesno: But worth dying for? That's the question, are they worth fighting and dying for? Kerry: Well, it depends what you mean by that, Frank. If you mean dying in the course of the United Nations effort, yeah, it's worth that. If you mean dying American troops unilaterally going in with some false presumption that we can affect the outcome the answer is unequivocally no. So I think it's a question of where you place the interest. So John Kerry thinks that American troops dying under the American flag is not justified, and is not worthwhile, but under the UN flag, then of course American deaths are justified. Now, this is all about Bosnia, and Clinton went in without the United Nations, if you recall. So I would think that Kerry would be in opposition to what we did there and that any deaths that we incurred are not worth it because we went in with some unilateral false presumption that we could affect the outcome. We will keep a sharp eye on this. I just think this is a devastating quote. You put it in context with the global test quote that he had in the first debate. Make no mistake, this is the Washington Post, this is the third paragraph of the story, this will be picked up on and harped on by the Bush campaign I'm certain, it has to be, later on today. BREAK TRANSCRIPT RUSH: We found the audio sound bite of John Kerry on CNN April 17th, 1994. Frank Sesno with the question. This is all about going to the Balkans. Is it worth American lives to go to Balkans? And here's the sound bite. SESNO: Are they worth dying for? That's the question. Are they worth fighting and dying for? KERRY: It depends what you mean by that, Frank. If you mean dying in the course of the United Nations effort, yes, it is worth that. If you mean dying American troops unilaterally going in with some false presumption that we can affect the outcome, the answer is unequivocally no. RUSH: I mean, there you have it. Here's John Kerry saying that American deaths under the UN banner are permissible and honorable, American deaths under American flag only are not, April 17th, 1994. It doesn't sound to me like this position of his, this global test and the UN will have a veto over what we do doesn't sound like his position has changed, sounds like it's hardened, sounds like it's the one policy Kerry is actually firm in believing. It sounds like that Kerry does not flip-flop when it comes to the UN. He may flip-flop on everything else, but when it comes to the UN, boy, it trumps everything. And he's been consistent, at least as we can prove from the record from 1994 to the present, about ten years, ladies and gentlemen.