As the thread title suggests, same old ______
Seems like just another "warmed over" attempt at trying to make an alternative OS, but failing miserably. I have been running it for about a month. Tried a command line install first at the prodding of a "Linux Guru" on the Ubuntu forms. That was nothing but a total nightmare, would not stabilize for anything. To add to that, whenever I would try to install any program, an error message would pop up at the end of the install, which was meaningless, no one knows what it means.
I did 3 command line installs, trying to give it a chance before I gave up on that route. Ditched that method & went for the full install. That went great, partition manager works like a charm. Ran that install for about a week, problems started appearing for no apparent reason. Firefox 2.0 & 3.0 would randomly crash/close (I tried each at different times) No answer on that one, still can't solve it.
After those issues, the OS itself started crashing; ended up with "black screen of death"
endless meaningless text (at least to me) would scroll over the screen, I guess the OS was attempting to "right itself", I don't know... 
Would have to reboot to straighten that out. The pc would act fine then for several days, then out of the blue crash again. No one seems to know how to decipher the logs that the OS generates, so here we are.
Part of me wants to dump this Linux venture & never look back, another part of me keeps aimlessly plodding along in hopes that things will get better. With each release of the OS, endless threads of various crashes/errors/incompatibility, etc. are posted on the help forums.
As I have stated before in the other Linux threads, man I want this thing to work sooooo bad, but the developers/programmers/somebody has got to get this thing right before it can possibly be accepted as a usable/practical alternative to Windows. I was really hoping to be able to dump the dual boot - XP/Ubuntu setup this time around, but looks like that won't be happening.
Okay, after that rant/thorough bashing...on the plus side.
*It found my printers right away
*It found my digital camera right away
*It found my mp3 player right away
*It is still free
Guess that's all I can come up with for now. Feel free to post your comments/experiences.
Respectfully, katz
Seems like just another "warmed over" attempt at trying to make an alternative OS, but failing miserably. I have been running it for about a month. Tried a command line install first at the prodding of a "Linux Guru" on the Ubuntu forms. That was nothing but a total nightmare, would not stabilize for anything. To add to that, whenever I would try to install any program, an error message would pop up at the end of the install, which was meaningless, no one knows what it means.
I did 3 command line installs, trying to give it a chance before I gave up on that route. Ditched that method & went for the full install. That went great, partition manager works like a charm. Ran that install for about a week, problems started appearing for no apparent reason. Firefox 2.0 & 3.0 would randomly crash/close (I tried each at different times) No answer on that one, still can't solve it.
After those issues, the OS itself started crashing; ended up with "black screen of death"

Would have to reboot to straighten that out. The pc would act fine then for several days, then out of the blue crash again. No one seems to know how to decipher the logs that the OS generates, so here we are.

Part of me wants to dump this Linux venture & never look back, another part of me keeps aimlessly plodding along in hopes that things will get better. With each release of the OS, endless threads of various crashes/errors/incompatibility, etc. are posted on the help forums.

As I have stated before in the other Linux threads, man I want this thing to work sooooo bad, but the developers/programmers/somebody has got to get this thing right before it can possibly be accepted as a usable/practical alternative to Windows. I was really hoping to be able to dump the dual boot - XP/Ubuntu setup this time around, but looks like that won't be happening.
Okay, after that rant/thorough bashing...on the plus side.
*It found my printers right away
*It found my digital camera right away
*It found my mp3 player right away
*It is still free

Guess that's all I can come up with for now. Feel free to post your comments/experiences.

Respectfully, katz
