Hi folks,
I think I might have to do Fresh install of my OS on my laptop.
I have a Gateway M-6862 laptop with Vista Home Prem., SP1, 64-Bit.
Q1: Now, I have the choice of reinstalling it with 64-Bit OR the 32-Bit version.
Here is my porblem ...
I just recently had to Fix my Corrupted User's Profile per Windows Help ... and that fixed my Problem of "High CPU (50%) use due to Opening of the Windows Explore Function" ... you know the Folder deal. That fixed my problem and the laptop was running smoothly.
BTW, prior to above Fix I also decided to Remove "Sun Microsystem Java JRE version 6 Update 14" because I thought that was part of the reason that my Profile got clubbered by some Intrusive websites.
Yesterday, in my wisdom I decided to install the latest "Sun Microsystem Java JRE version 6 Update 16" and my laptop went Crazy ... some websites start opening like crazy and my CPU's went 50 to 80% use and my fan start going like crazy ... my RAM usage jumped from normal 1.4GB to 3.0GB to 3.9GB constantly ... and never dropped back. So, when I tried to see what is causing this usage ... "Windows Task Manager" in Normal View showed nothing ... but when I chose the Option to show "The Processes for ALL Users" ... it hsoed that under System 32, the
"Services.Exe" was running at 35% and the weird part for was to see that "System Idle Process" function was running at 50%.
BTW, I have ran Antivirus Scans (Avira Full Scan, MBAM, IOBit Security 360) ... so I think my problem is Not Virus problem.
Q2: Can I fix this problem without a Clean Install? Since I don't want to lose my Freebie Trial Softwares.
Q3: Any thoughts what caused this major problem?
Q4: Does a PC have any need to have screwey Sun's JAVA software on it?
I think I might have to do Fresh install of my OS on my laptop.
I have a Gateway M-6862 laptop with Vista Home Prem., SP1, 64-Bit.
Q1: Now, I have the choice of reinstalling it with 64-Bit OR the 32-Bit version.
Here is my porblem ...
I just recently had to Fix my Corrupted User's Profile per Windows Help ... and that fixed my Problem of "High CPU (50%) use due to Opening of the Windows Explore Function" ... you know the Folder deal. That fixed my problem and the laptop was running smoothly.
BTW, prior to above Fix I also decided to Remove "Sun Microsystem Java JRE version 6 Update 14" because I thought that was part of the reason that my Profile got clubbered by some Intrusive websites.
Yesterday, in my wisdom I decided to install the latest "Sun Microsystem Java JRE version 6 Update 16" and my laptop went Crazy ... some websites start opening like crazy and my CPU's went 50 to 80% use and my fan start going like crazy ... my RAM usage jumped from normal 1.4GB to 3.0GB to 3.9GB constantly ... and never dropped back. So, when I tried to see what is causing this usage ... "Windows Task Manager" in Normal View showed nothing ... but when I chose the Option to show "The Processes for ALL Users" ... it hsoed that under System 32, the
"Services.Exe" was running at 35% and the weird part for was to see that "System Idle Process" function was running at 50%.
BTW, I have ran Antivirus Scans (Avira Full Scan, MBAM, IOBit Security 360) ... so I think my problem is Not Virus problem.
Q2: Can I fix this problem without a Clean Install? Since I don't want to lose my Freebie Trial Softwares.
Q3: Any thoughts what caused this major problem?
Q4: Does a PC have any need to have screwey Sun's JAVA software on it?
