Apple's chief exec and irreplaceable master of ceremonies has few if any equals when it comes to wowing audiences during product demos, but even Steve Jobs's famous reality-distortion field couldn't protect him from an embarrassing Wi-Fi snafu
Steve Jobs to crowd: 'We're having a little problem here'
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Would've been funnier if an ad for GGW popped up.
I think my favorite demo so far was some new release of Windows that was supposed to be resistant to NULL pointers. In the old 8086 days a favorite way for a poorly written program to crash your system was writing to memory through a pointer set to 0, probably because the programmer never tested for a memory allocation fail. It would overwrite the interrupt table that some brain put at the bottom of memory(it's like a function jump table to system functions, like you press a key, move the mouse, to know what to do it goes to the routine linked through the table.)
So in this demo Bill Gates gets up and says "we deliberately wrote this program to overwrite the memory starting at 0 so the interrupt descriptor table should be trashed. The machine should lock up." So he hits the Enter key and a little dialog pops up and says "I tried to trash memory but failed" or some silly stuff like that. Everyone cheered because the chief of MS could have someone write a program that popped up a Message Box when you hit Enter!! I laughed my ass off!!