Problem To Backup My Original DVD'S To A 4.7GB Blank DVD Disc

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  • Dimortal
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Jul 2002
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    Problem To Backup My Original DVD'S To A 4.7GB Blank DVD Disc

    Hey There People,
    I Have A Small Problem.
    The Problem Is That I Have A Pioneer A03 DVD-RW Burner But.
    I Can't Seem To Copy Any DVD Movies To A Standard 4.7GB
    Disc...I Know The Original Is Copyrighted And Too Large To Fit
    On The Standard Disk.But I Would Like To Know Of Any
    Possible Way To Break Down The Original DVD To 4.7 or Lower.
    I Know How To Rip The Dvd. But Don't How To Take And
    Seperate The VOB'S To An Audio*.*ts & Video*.* Folder In
    The Asbect Of 4.7 Or Lower In Size....
    If Any One Can Assist Or Help Me In Anyway I Would Be
    Most Grateful...
    Thanking You In Advance
    ... DIMORTAL ...
  • tazmax
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Jul 2002
    • 13


    Here's how I BACK UP MY DVD collection
    On DVD Digest
    get DVD Decrypter It seams to be the Best

    On divx digest
    get FlaskMPEG It also seams to be the best
    get TMPGEnc

    And to Burn get
    MyDVD 3.5
    cause it will let you put 3.5 hours of VCD
    on a DVD
    I also have the same burner as you
    if you e-mail me I can
    give you some hints as to how to get the best
    I've backed up a lot of dvd's
    and I'm learning some of the tricks
    I've thrown away a lot of
    5$ and up DVD's
    I can also send you instructions on the above software
    I got off the net
    they work great !!!


    • vic102482
      Platinum Member
      Platinum Member
      • Jan 2002
      • 171

      Well you cuold try what I tried,

      Get a tv capture card, hook your dvd player up to it, capture the movie to your harddrive and use the included software to burn it back to a dvd. I have tyhe PIONEER A03 and I have more than 10 successful copies


      • tazmax
        Junior Member
        Junior Member
        • Jul 2002
        • 13


        I also back up my VHS collection on DVD's
        but you won't get the quality of Video
        and I've had voice to video sink. troubles
        the capture to my hard drive is OK
        but when I burn them they look like
        a dubbed movie
        But some times it works great
        If you can tell me how to aline the video and Voice
        It sure would help
        But like I said on the computer it is OK


        • vic102482
          Platinum Member
          Platinum Member
          • Jan 2002
          • 171


          Whenever you have sync problems like voice or jumpy video you can best elieve that there is a problem either your CPU is maxed out or is not being utilized correctly, the best way to resovle that is to frist test and see if you capture at a lower resolution does the jumpynesss and stuff go away? If yes then you have solved your problem rioght there, also you need a clean harddrive DEFRAGGIN IS VERY IMPORTANT very, you are driving your car at 100 mp you dont want to keep swerving out of the way of oncoming traffic you need a clear path and also check out if your HDD is 5400 or 7200 that makes a big diffrence also with your ATA cause ATA33 on the HDD aint gonna cut it 66 or higher when you are playing with the big boys of MPEG


          • tazmax
            Junior Member
            Junior Member
            • Jul 2002
            • 13


            Sounds like you might be able to help

            My system
            P4 1.7
            512 meg ram at 266
            7200 rpm 60 Gig HDD WESTERN DIG
            ATI Radon 8500 Video card 64 DDR
            soundblaster gammer sound card
            Windows 98 se
            I just found out the front side buss on the board is just 133
            I'm looking to replace it soon
            It's a Shuttle AV40
            With Ultra DMA 100 controler

            I do defrag before I burn
            I even defrag before I make a Image

            also I even turn off the clock when I burn
            my system is at 98 % when I start
            cause I've ran config editor and shut down all
            thinks running in the back ground
            after starting MyDVD it's at 94%
            and the only thing that's wrong is the out of syn.
            with voice and video and only
            on a VHS that I've captured
            and the Image is OK it's only when I burn

            But not when I burn from a copied DVD

            just the VHS

            and It only does it sometimes and I can't
            figure out what is the Key

            If you have ANY Ideas PLEASE send them

            I do all my burning on a DVD-RW FIRST

            Thank you for your Help


            • Deepa DVD
              SuperDuperDVD Productions
              • Mar 2002
              • 48

              Hello there!
              Are you bringing seperate video and a seperate audio file into your DVD Authoring Program? If yes, you are probally using 44.1 khZ audio. You need to convert your audio file to 48 khZ so it will stay in sync with the video.
              I hope this was the solution to your problem!


              • vic102482
                Platinum Member
                Platinum Member
                • Jan 2002
                • 171

                yes that is true

                Some dvd players wont even recogzine 44k audio and ULEAD refuses to burn with that kind of sample rate, go with the 48


                • nicktran111467
                  Junior Member
                  Junior Member
                  • Aug 2002
                  • 5

                  Why don't you use IFOedit to break the ripped DVD files (VOB) into standard 4.7 DVD-Rs, create in image file and use DVD Decrypter to burn back to DVD-R disk?

