if somebody Knows to make the dvd recorder GO VIDEO R6640,please,if you have the information ,please send me to mi email chokolator_cbch AT yahoo DOT com DOT mx sorry if i have a mistake(im from mexico)
go video
"One day men will look back and say I gave birth to the 20th Century". Jack The Ripper - 1888
Columbo moments...
"Double Shock" "The Greenhouse Jungle" "Swan Song" FORUM RULES
"You try to contrive a perfect alibi, and it's your perfect alibi that's gonna hang ya."
(An Exercise In Fatality, 1974)
First off this company should be slapped for calling it Go video cause most of the time you get No video.I know its cheap and all but do your self a favor take it back spend an extra $100 get a better brand cause if you keep it your $150 is going down the poopshoot and yes I am talking from experienceComment