DVD Rot??
I have been accused of wrecking a brand new dvd by a member in my household. She says that my burner destroyed this DVD. Since I had bought it, I exchanged it. BTW, I own about 100 pressed DVDs now and this was the only one I ever had problems with. It would not play in my computer or 4 of my players.
I started doing some research and found this article dated Jan 2003 called DVD rot. LINK
Here is a link to another article that calls it fact or fiction: http://hometheater.about.com/cs/dvdl.../aadvdrota.htm
But the better question is "Can a DVD burner/rom damage a pressed DVD?"
I thought for a drive manufacturer to use the DVD logo/copyright that it could not do damage to a pressed disc. Is this a fallacy?
I have ripped several of my discs numerous times and the originals still play fine. I need some evidence to explain to a newb(ie) why a DVD drive/burner will not harm a pressed DVD.
Thanking you in advance,
Gary D
I have been accused of wrecking a brand new dvd by a member in my household. She says that my burner destroyed this DVD. Since I had bought it, I exchanged it. BTW, I own about 100 pressed DVDs now and this was the only one I ever had problems with. It would not play in my computer or 4 of my players.
I started doing some research and found this article dated Jan 2003 called DVD rot. LINK
Here is a link to another article that calls it fact or fiction: http://hometheater.about.com/cs/dvdl.../aadvdrota.htm
But the better question is "Can a DVD burner/rom damage a pressed DVD?"
I thought for a drive manufacturer to use the DVD logo/copyright that it could not do damage to a pressed disc. Is this a fallacy?
I have ripped several of my discs numerous times and the originals still play fine. I need some evidence to explain to a newb(ie) why a DVD drive/burner will not harm a pressed DVD.
Thanking you in advance,
Gary D