Not sure this is the right place to ask this question, but here goes... I have downloaded AviUtl 0.98d and the English language plug-in (enu098d), but AviUtl menus are still in Japanese. If I understood the directions correctly, all I had to do was to delete AviUtl.ini and start the luck. Anyone know how to do this?
Need help getting AviUtl into English
the 097a readme said this:
To change the language proceed as follows:
Start AviUtl.
Select the first menu from the left (where there's usually "File"), then select the 2nd
option from the bottom, and in the menu that will pop up select the 2nd option from the top.
Then in the new window that will open select English in the dropdown list. Close and restart
The M4C output can be invoked as follows: configure Aviutl as usual, then select File - output
plugin -> lotus m4c. Keep in mind that m4c will only process video you you'll have to add the
audio track later on. You can configure m4c like you would configure a video codec.
Have fun