Geforce 2 Tv out problem. Blank picture to TV Win XP Pro...

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  • Brachen

    Geforce 2 Tv out problem. Blank picture to TV Win XP Pro...

    I am unable to transfer signal from my Computer to my TV under normal circumstances.

    I know that it is not hardware related (to a degree) because I can unhook my monitor from my computer, and I will get some images of the starting process (and if I start my computer in safe mode) onto my Television. This process will not work for my VCR. I have connections for Both RCA and Svideo on my TV. The Video capture works great.

    I have done these things:
    Downloaded, installed, and deleted several versions of Detonator drivers, with the Video card hooked up to the different connections of the TV. AV1 AV2 and SVIDEO modes. I thought doing this on every mode was useless, but I am desperate.

    I have gone into Nview mode, and changed any setting that looked like it would make sense, and then almost anything else for fun. However, I am never given the option of picking my TV as a second monitor. It appears that my computer is not recognizing it.

    I have spent hours in message boards trying anything that anyone suggested to no avail, and I finally posted here because of many of the posts on this site! There is a group of people here that know their Stuff!!!!

    I am willing to install windows 98 if anyone thinks that this will help.

    Now for the cry for help:
    I have called in sick to work 2 times, and spent several full weekend days working on this. It will mean that I can take very old VHS movies borrowed from my Aunt and keep them safe for the next generation of our family. Any advice or Ideas are welcome, and appreciated!

    System: AMD XP 1800
    512 MB RAM
    GeForce 2 TI Video capture card manufactured by MSI.
    Year old 27" Philips Television with multiple connections.
  • GeneralLeoFF
    Super Member
    Super Member
    • Sep 2003
    • 245

    I'm a bit confused what your trying to do. Sometimes it sounds like your trying to use the TV as a monitor and others it sounds like your trying to capyure VHS onto your PC.

    Anyway for the TV-Out (Desplaying on a TV): Have you tried TVTool yet? nVIDIA graphgics cars are extreamly well known for having very poor TV_Out capability. TVTool manages to resolve most of the problems.

    I have an Xtasy GF2 Ti and have had many problems with the TV_Out and only managed to get it working in the last few months. My card is not capable of duel desplays (Image on the TV and the monitor at the same time) and yours may not to and if your trying to make it desplay on both it will desrupt the signal sence it cant hande the refresh rates nessacery to do it.

    You may also have a problem with the overlay surface. I would suspect that if you get a black screen on the TV if your TV should show blue meaning no signal.

    Making sure DirectX is updated (Version 9.0b is the latest) may help as well.

    Also TV_Out on nVIDIA cards accept and transmit copy protection signals such as macrovision and this is known to cause problems with the cards as well.

    Also the version 4 series of the detonators is most recomended for older GF cards as the version 5 series is optomised mostly for there newer FX line and there is bugs on the GF1,2,3,and 4 cards (They said they are going to fix them but that was 3 releses ago).

    Use 4.x series detonators, DirectX 9.0b and give TVTool a try. Thats my suggestion.

    Oh and dont even concider using 98. XP is better for this then 98 ever was and you would just have even more problems

    For TV_In: Did nVIDIA make a graphics card that could capture TV and I just never herd of it or have I understood your problem wrong?


    • Brachen

      Thank you for the reply, and the ideas. I downloaded all of 4x.xx drivers and some of the 3x.xx drivers as well. I tried TVtool, but it is does not recognize the TV either. I also downloaded the drivers for the Card from MSI, but that was a dead end for my problem as well.

      No luck so far, but having feedback was great!

      My card “is supposed to" capture video, and it also has a TV out. It is a 64mb geforce2 TI, made by MSI.

      The plan is to record home movies onto the computer, edit them, and save them to disk, as well as transport them to tape.

      When I purchased the TV, I was looking for a variety of options to go along with the Video card.
      The TV has 3 different ports for RCA connectors, and a Svideo in. If I can get video to the TV I can send it to the VCR (tested this by hooking up the Video camera to one of the RCA connectors on the TV, and recorded the same picture with the VCR). I also tried to send signal to the VCR, but that was a dead end. Either using the TV and a monitor, or just the TV will work for my application.

      I downloaded several versions of drivers, and the newest Direct X, but I still have the same problems.

      After my last post I tested the signal to the TV again. I unhooked the Monitor from my Video card. I again saw my start up screens, and then I tried something different. I started Windows XP in safe mode, and was able to use the computer on the TV screen. The only thing I was missing was audio, which appears to be unavailable in safe mode.

      Perhaps there is a conflict with Windows XP? I have noticed that I can not use my old VGA monitor to display XP, and it behaves just like the TV. I am able to watch the Boot screen, admire the Windows logo, and then the disappointment of not being able to see anything else...

      Again, let me thank you for your time! If you have more ideas, including strange ones I am willing to try.


      • Coran Fixx
        Junior Member
        Junior Member
        • Jan 2004
        • 1

        American Grandma to the rescue

        To help clarify the issue, he has captured 40gigs of video and now he wants to output the edited video back out to vcr tape but his tv out is not working on the card. (I'm a TV psychic).

        WindowsXP doesn't display on an old monitor because it runs at 800x600 and if your monitor doesn't support it... Kablooiiee!.

        Last thought is that besides detonator drivers, I'm thinking there are some media crossbar drivers to download that may be needed for TV out... just a thought.


        • GeneralLeoFF
          Super Member
          Super Member
          • Sep 2003
          • 245

          The old monitor is probly a fixed reselution/refresh monitor with a max capability of 640x480 @ 60 Hz. XP can deplay at sucha low reselution if your video card is capable of it (and i'm sure it is as I have an old fixed res monitor to I use with XP and my graphics card is pretty close in specs to yours).

          Thats something I neglected to bring up before. Set your reselution to 640x480@60Hz for best performance on TV out. Anything higher then 60 Hz is way to fast for a typical TV set to handle and this could cuase your problem of being able to see the boot sequince (that runs at 640x480 at 60 Hz) and then lose the image once windows starts.

          XP by defult does not allow you to set 640x480 but it can do it but you have to add a custom profile. I'm assuming you know where all the options i'll list below are but i'll lay it out just incase. Right click the desktop and click the tab that says settings and from there click the button that says advanced. from there there should be a tab that says GF2 Ti. Give that a click. A little bar should roll out on the side with a bunch of options for your video card. Click on the one that says change reselution. From here you should be able to select 640x480. if not click the add button and create a profile for it.

          While your in the graphics cards setting go to the tab that says troubleshooting and click the checkbox that says your tv is not listed.

          Also have a look around the tab for nView desplay mode and see if it's listing your TV out there.

          This all assums you are using the latest 4.x (recomneded) or newer drivers.

          If all this works out and TV_Out starts responding then TV Tool should start to work to and thats highley recomended over using the defult nvidia tv_out stuff.


          • Brachen

            Again, no cigar...

            I changed resolution settings several times, with the last setting of 640 x 480 @ 256 colors. I was not able to get signal to the TV, and the test of disconnecting the monitor did not work as well. I get the same result of watching the boot screens, and then everything goes blank.

            I know nothing about crossbars, but a Google search led me to Chris TV. This did not work either, but there might be a glimmer of hope

            I have read a lot about macro vision lately, and copyright laws. Is there a possibility that my TV is not reading the signal because of this? I do get signal to the TV in safe mode, but the audio has been disabled...

            Again Thank you for the help, I will endeavor to persevere.


            • GeneralLeoFF
              Super Member
              Super Member
              • Sep 2003
              • 245

              Macrovision is very unlikley. it would wonly realy take effect if you tried to play a macrovision protected movie out the TV out into the VCR (A DVD for example) so I wouldent worry to much about that. I havent got any more ideas though why it would be showing a black screen. If I notice any more screwy off beat options while tinkering with mine i'll let you know.


              • Brachen

                Thank you again for the help! Knowing that it is not Macrovision is a big help as well.

                Corann, I am impressed! How did you know that I had 40 gigs of video?

                If I find the answer I will post back the answer.


                • Mike Kerr
                  Junior Member
                  Junior Member
                  • Feb 2004
                  • 2

                  I have exactly the same problem. If I'm at the BIOS level, no problem, I can see a picture on my monitor and TV screen.

                  Exiting BIOS, I can see windows booting up on the TV screen. As soon as I get to the WindowsXP logon screen, bang goes my TV picture and I can't see the desktop.

                  Haven't tried this yet, but sounds like the answer might be here. Sound like the
                  same problem....Could be wrong tho'


                  • Mike Kerr
                    Junior Member
                    Junior Member
                    • Feb 2004
                    • 2

                    That worked for me.

                    Also managed to get the display on both screens (TV and monitor at the same time):

                    nView Dsiplay Mode
                    -> set nview modes to clone

                    Hope that helps.


                    • Quality's Proof
                      Digital Video Master
                      Digital Video Master
                      • Jan 2004
                      • 1279

                      Instead of 32Bit quality, try 16 Bit.
                      Rig :

                      P - 4 @ 1.7 Ghz, 768 mb (133) Ram, Intel 845 chipset M'board, Seagate 60 Gig., 5400 rpsm hdd, Maxtor 40 Gig. 7200 rpm hdd, Hauppauge 880 pvr card, etc.. O.S. - XP Home Edition.


                      • Brachen

                        I would like to thank everyone again for the help, and admit defeat. I have gone down a different path:
                        Buying a TV tuner card (already on the way from Newegg).
                        Purchasing a new video card with TV out feature.

                        In the end, my video card @ 64mb is not even able to hang with the little dogs.


                        • sfheath
                          Lord of Digital Video
                          Lord of Digital Video
                          • Sep 2003
                          • 2399

                          I notice you mentioned you tried 640x480@256 colours but did you try a slow refresh as suggested?
                          This isn't a learning curve ... this is b****y mountaineering!

