AVISynth smooth deinterlacer

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  • justin001
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Nov 2003
    • 7

    AVISynth smooth deinterlacer

    How do I use smooth deinterlacer?

    When I try it it says I must use assumefieldbased() and when I include that it says I must use weave(). I include weave but it seems to do nothing.

    A. How do I know my interlaced DV-AVI is field-based in the first place (as far as I understand all interlaced video is)

    B. How do I overcome this "Weave" problem, and what does Weave even do?

    Sorry about the newbie post.
    Will it output video at 50fps for me?

    BTW the deinterlacesmooth filter for virtualdub doesn't work for the same video - it expands the height and contracts the width and exaggerates the interlacing!

    Any help appreciated!
  • techreactor
    • Jul 2005
    • 1309

    Originally Posted by justin001
    How do I use smooth deinterlacer?
    A. How do I know my interlaced DV-AVI is field-based in the first place (as far as I understand all interlaced video is)
    put ".info()" after you load your source i.e. avisource(path).info()

    and no filters, open the avs in mediaplayer to see the details


    • justin001
      Junior Member
      Junior Member
      • Nov 2003
      • 7

      Ok, done so. Says fieldbased (separated) video: no. So does this mean I cannot use smooth deinterlacer? If not is there an alternative? I can get this video to look so smooth in Nero Showtime which deinterlaces video to play smoothely while viewing - anything I can use to actually encode it like this? Normal deinterlace makes the video appear jumpy or jittery. Motion is definitely not as fluid...


      • justin001
        Junior Member
        Junior Member
        • Nov 2003
        • 7

        Ok, I read the smooth deinterlacer doc and it says it doesn't need the video to be field based. But nomatter what I do, I still get the "weave should be applied on field-based material" error message. If I leave out the SmoothDeinterlace function I don't get this message. If I do the SeparateFields function I get deinterlaced (smooth) video but half the height. How do I deinterlace without this effect? This was my (original) script:

        AVISource("D:\Temp\DV Projects\Batman begins, Francis, me.avi")

        Any tips?
        (Please remember my video says "fieldbased (separated) video: no" but when I try use smoothdeinterlace, I am told otherwise...).


