What Are Your Best Audio/Video Sites?

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  • CthulhuPhile
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Dec 2005
    • 1

    What Are Your Best Audio/Video Sites?

    Hello to all. That’s my first post to the forum and I am really glad for joining a community which shares my passion for audio (and video!)<o></o>
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    So, to handsel (is the expression correct?) my being here, I have a question for you all: Which do you personally find the best audio/video companies web sites you have stumbled upon? By “the best”, I mean both visually and practically (how easy it is to find information and so on). By audio/video company, I mean speaker, amplifier, turntable, projector e.t.c. manufacturer.<o></o>
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    Personally, I was mesmerized by both http://www.jamospeakers.com/ and http://www.bang-olufsen.com (if they didn’t know about flawless design, who would?). Their web page design and layout is absolutely top of the line and it was fairly easy to find any info I desired. The high-res pictures of Jamo are definitely an added bonus.<o></o>
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    Looking forward to your replies<o></o>
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    Best Regards<o></o>
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    Angelos, the CthulhuPhile<o></o>
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    p.s.: Excuse my poor use of English, it isn’t my native tongue<o></o>