nVidia TV Out problems

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  • JKidd555
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • May 2002
    • 3

    nVidia TV Out problems

    i am lost here... which is normally not the case.

    however, i have been fooling around with trying to get my TV out card to work now that I am out of school for the summer, and not having much luck.

    before i go into describing the problem, let me give you my computer's stats:

    Dell Dimmension 8100, 1.5 GHz
    nVidia 32 MB GeForce2 MX 400 w/ TV Out
    Conexant BT869 TV Encoder Chip
    256 MB RDRAM
    Windows ME .. uuggh.. i know it sucks but i have way too much important information on there (60 gigs of school work, projects, video editing, programs, etc) that i cant risk losing right now..

    the problem
    before, in the advanced display properties, TV was greyed out out of nVidia device selection.

    then, i installed the drivers from nVidia (March 2002), and i went from having four display settings (640x480,1024x768....1200x1024) up to probably 10 display settings, and now 800x600 added.

    the TV option is now available, but the screen goes black, and the monitor light right next to the power button goes from green to orange. (i am guessing this means the analog monitor is shutting off and it is trying to use the tv as the new monitor, but something goes wrong and it reverts back to the analog monitor?)

    i have an S-Video cable hooked into both the back of my tower and the back of our samsung DVD player. both connections are secure. there is no S-Video cable connection anywhere on our 40 or so inch TV, so is there a different process for hooking it up to a DVD player?

    i then set the resolution to 800x600, then shut down my system. i turn on my TV and DVD player, and put hit the Video button to have the DVD player show up on the screen, and turn on my computer.

    ...still nothing.

    it bothers me to have such an awesome feature like TV out and not know how to get it working... i am completely confused...

    any ideas??
  • iacon
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • May 2002
    • 2

    help with tv-out too

    Hey, I'm having the same trouble as you are, but i got my s-video cable running to my dss instead of the dvd player. If you know how to fix it then let me know too. thanks



    • Mac Sidewinder
      Platinum Member
      Platinum Member
      • Apr 2002
      • 175

      I have the same video card and have had no probs with it at all. It has to be something with trying to hook it through another device before the tv.

      The reason that it reverts to your analog monitor after a little bit is that the card times out. You are given 15 seconds to confirm that the setting works (have to click on the OK tab that pops up) and since you can't see it, it reverts back to the monitor.

      I have seen an adapter from S video to audio/video rca jacks and to standard cable connections in Comp USA computer store. Maybe you can try that.



      • sarit16
        Platinum Member
        Platinum Member
        • Dec 2001
        • 191

        S-Video Solution.

        Howdi all,

        I know what it feels like having something new that doesnt seem to work, once the screen goes black confirm it going to the tv in my case but in your case to the dvd standalone player.

        Try using TV Tool, do u have access to tv tool, dont need confirmation, secondly when running the standalone, put tv on either dvd mode or s-video mode.

        Let me know if it works.




        • dreassica
          Junior Member
          Junior Member
          • May 2002
          • 28

          Don't use the Detonators from Nvidia themselves, but use the one provided by the manufacturer of your 3D card.
          I had the same problems with the Detonators, but when i d/l drivers from my card manufacturers site it worked fine.


          • Joshoua
            Junior Member
            Junior Member
            • May 2002
            • 27

            Its nothing

            Try connecting on your TV with a scart.If you don't know what a scart is,ask your local hardware provider.The guy that told you that the computer times out is right.The cable works,your vga and TV communicate but your TV shows no image.Thats because you havent configured your tv,you have to find a channel or something that can display from external devices.Such as i.e:the channel that you use to play with your playstation.Try that and it will work,I have a GTS and it works great with the tv out,its really something you know.


            • VERT
              • Apr 2002
              • 50

              The Tv-out will not work while your computer is booting up, it will only work while you are in Windows (I guess that is the OS you are using).
              What dreassica said about the detonators is absurd, go and download the 28.32 detonator drivers from Nvidia if you have not already got them, these are the latest offical drivers for use with Nvidia video cards.
              Now to narrow down your possible problem, hook your video card up directly to the TV set using a S-video to RCA convertor, one should have come with your video card (Im guessing your TV-out is s-video and TV accepts RCA in), you can do this without having to swith off your PC.
              Now right click on your desktop and goto properties > settings > advanced > nview and click on clone and then Apply.
              Now if your TV is on the AV setting you should be able to see your PC desktop straight away otherwise you will have to tune it in on the TV settings. If neither of these work, you will either have a problem with your cable (try another) or the TV-out part on the card (we know already its not your TV as you run your dvd player through it).

              If you goto device settings under the nview menu you can change some of the attributes of either you monitor or TV (first you have to select either though).
              You may also have to change your resolution under settings to the TV-out resolution your card supports.

              This is probably the simplest way of getting TV-out to work, if your not happy with nview and want more functions go for TVTool.


              • DVnewie
                Junior Member
                Junior Member
                • Apr 2002
                • 7

                nViidia TV out problems

                I fitted an asus geforce2 MX card and first time I had a black window for TV. I crashed win98 and after re-loading everything, the TV worked great!..don't know why. I have to use the composite connections as everything else here is scart. Good luck.


                • langborg49
                  Junior Member
                  Junior Member
                  • May 2002
                  • 1

                  nVidia TV Out problems (geforce 2)

                  I also had problems with my nvidia geforce 2 mx 400.
                  It seems that almost all asus and nvidia geforce 2 have a chrontel 7xxx tv-out chip. That chip could be the one causing the problems ( described at http://www.stereovision.net/toxicx/tvout.htm and http://www.digital-digest.com/dvd/nvidia/tvout.html). Never the less when I read the information on these sides I installed the TVCC 2000 1.21 (still freeware) from http://tvtool.info/ (they also make TVtool) and it has been working ever since.

                  P.S You can see if you have the chrontel tv-out chip by rightclicking on the desktop then properties-settings-advanced- Geforce 2(my case)-then under the IRQ number there should be tv-codingtype.

