If you are a DAZZLE user the DVXCEL capture utility will be disabled when you install this package. You'll have to uninstall it, system restore, reinstall the 150 and go get the updated drivers. To Everyone: before you install it would be wise to copy xpsp1 to disc and have it in the tray so if a warning pops up during install that you about to replace a filter with an unknown file you'll be able skip that particular filter so your current video equipment will continue to operate those devices. Don't know if this skip will effect the Tsunami applications.
Warning: Tsunami Filter Pack 3.9.9
Reminds me of when a friend built my first computer from a catalog, loaded WordPerfect and handed me a floppy with the latest OS...MS/DOS2.2 which I had to place in drive "B" to boot. He gave me a manual a foot thick and said," If you have any problems give me a call." I cracked the manual, Page 1, Step 1: "Formatting the disc"....well you know what happened. He came back the next day with another DOS disc muttering inaudible things under his breath. "But it said...""Skip page 1" "But it said...""Skip page 1""OK".Comment