why no replies to quality questions

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  • looloo343
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Jan 2002
    • 5

    why no replies to quality questions

    I have been ready through several forums in the last few weeks and cannot find to much on improving movies quality. most of the movies i download are from morpheus and are real blocky looking...large pixels i guess. anyway i have been using tmpgenc and it still doesn't seem to make a diff. i have a few movies that someone burned from another vcd and the quality is 100 times better than what i am getting. I was noticing when reading through these forums that quality questions go unanswered. PLEASE HELP!!!!!

  • setarip
    • Dec 2001
    • 24955

    Probably because other than suggesting using the filters available under VirtulDub (for .AVIs or MPEG1 files that you're willing to convert to .AVI format) and TMPGEnc, there really isn't too much else you can do in "trying to make a silk purse from a sow's ear" or "converting lead to gold". Unfortunately, alchemy is not real science...


    • benderman
      Digital Video Specialist
      Digital Video Specialist
      • Nov 2001
      • 770

      Do you want to make a vcd for playing with a stand-alone-dvd-player or a movie to watch on the pc?

      The quality of vcds can be improved by using TMPGEnc's VBR. With more experience you can first use VirtualDUB to filter the video (resize, deinterlace, noise reduction ...). For movies you only want to watch on the pc better use DivX/MPEG4. With highest bitrates you get dvd-like quality.
      don't trust in guides


      • looloo343
        Junior Member
        Junior Member
        • Jan 2002
        • 5

        Thanks guys i will give it some more work. I appreciate your time.


        • UncasMS
          Super Moderator
          • Nov 2001
          • 9047

          give some more details on what you actually try / tried to do and how!


          • looloo343
            Junior Member
            Junior Member
            • Jan 2002
            • 5

            Thanks for all of your replies. They are greatly appreciated. What I am doing is trying to work on these things at my place of employment so it is between my real job. This is my biggest problem. I have played with TEMPGnc alot today and found some interesting things out. When i said the pictures were blocky i meant REAL BLOCKY!!! but i think i have straightened that out more or less. as for what i want to play these on the answer is a standalone. Also what would be the best movie files to download???? dvd rip, cam, ........and lastly how do you do a two pass and what is the purpose of it?? Thanks again in advance.



            • abdul
              Super Member
              Super Member
              • Jan 2002
              • 281

              I copied and pasted this from another site so maybe you (and a lot of other people) can benefit from it

              source: internetmovies
              Here is some definitions that might help you locate better quality downloads:

              CAM - This type of Movie was recorded by someone in a cinema with a camcorder and the audience can be heard! The picture quality is usually OK but the sound is mostly very bad and hard to make out speech.

              Telesync - These are also recorded in a cinema but usually on an expensive camera and they should have a seperate audio source (so the audience cannot be heard), these are generally very good quality and highly watchable.

              Telecine - Done a number of ways, all from taking directly from the reel. Ripped in either widescreen (letterbox) or in full-screen (pan and scan) with excellent audio and video. The most common way is to get a device that you attach to the reel that generates a VHS tape of the reel. (called a telecine machine, but there are other machines that generate a digital output of both audio and video that are then put into a laptop or VCR and made into a Movie).

              Screener - A Screener is usually recorded form a promotional video tape which is sent to censors and film critics, etc.. The quality is usually as good as a commercial Movie (some times a copyright message appears on the screen).

              Work-Print - Each frame of the film is copied from celluloid (or another source), these are sometimes incomplete movies. The sound is usually perfect and the visual quality can vary.

              LD/DVDRip - Movies with this on the cover are ripped from DVD or Laserdisc versions of the film and the quality is as good as genuine Movies.

              Other bootleg info

              Subbed - They have sub-titles. Sometimes only 1, that are real small. But others are real big and some movies have 2 or 3 subtitles on them taking up large portions of the screen.

              Watermarks - The little BD, A, or Z (among others) symbols on the movie. They are put there by the people in Asia who rip the movie


              • 1 Smelly Fish
                Super Member
                Super Member
                • Nov 2001
                • 274

                Hi there, as already mentioned earlier, "garbage in = garbage out", ie. it is very hard and time consuming trying to improve the picture and audio quality of a movie that has been bootleged by some fella with a cam-corder in a picture theater. In fact it probably is a total waste of time as it just wont happen, (however there are exceptions like most things in life nothing is a constant) but for a stack of great helpfull information visit www.vcdhelp.com it goes through all the different quality information (as c&p above) and heaps more


