file size again

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  • stoo
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Dec 2001
    • 26

    file size again

    thanks to all the help I had last night...
    I started again with gohstbusters and chaged the sound to mp3 and the file size came out at 530mb......
    this might sound stupid but when using the bitrate cacl I set it to 1 80min cd... what I was wondering now is how can I make it so the film fits the cd? if I have 700mb and Im only using 530 what would I have to do to work out how to get it to fill the disk?...
    also and again this may seem dim but what is the diffrance between divx lo mo, hi mo, and 4.12?...
    when converting dvds which do most people go for?...
    thanks agin to every one who helped me
  • khp
    The Other
    • Nov 2001
    • 2161

    what I was wondering now is how can I make it so the film fits the cd? if I have 700mb and Im only using 530 what would I have to do to work out how to get it to fill the disk?...
    The old divx3.11 codec is generally not very good at file size prediction (especially the hi motion one).

    Better filesize prediction can be achived with 4.12 in two pass mode.
    Donate your idle CPU time for something usefull.


    • stoo
      Junior Member
      Junior Member
      • Dec 2001
      • 26

      thanks for that Ill be checking that out tomorrow......


      • Nickmavros
        Junior Member
        Junior Member
        • Dec 2001
        • 46

        Look divx 3.11 was the codec everyone used to have.
        It has two features low motion and fast motion.
        Low motion was the better one with movies without much action and fast was the best for action movies.
        If you did a movie in 2 cds and use low motion you could get a nice picture quality.In one cd not a very good one.
        And then came the....
        Divx 4.xx (latest version 4.12)
        Much much much better quality.
        But there is a price you have to pay : it takes double time.
        I cannot tell you how to use the new codec (It would take many posts!!!).
        There are guides you can find.
        I believe everyone now is using the new codec.
        To predict the size of the output avi you need a good calculator and a lot of luck.
        Don't think that everyone can make his movie exactly 700 mb!!!
        You have to practise!!!
        ....come to take a trip with me in Future World.


        • stoo
          Junior Member
          Junior Member
          • Dec 2001
          • 26

          thanks for the help but I feel a bit confused?... I never had divx 3 and I down loaded divx 4.12.
          after reading nickys giudes I down loaded flask and followed the giude. in flask when I go to the video tab to chose which codec it has listed divx 4.12
          divx lomo mpeg4
          divx himo mpeg4

          as for pic quilty I was stunned. untill Id done my own divx ripp the only examples Id seen where crap. the rip which Ive done is extremly good qulity wise in comparason to what ive seen.....

          dont get me wrong Im not suggesting its me whos good, Im really satisfyed with what Ive made up to now. that might be becuse Id only seen crap befor thow......



          • cg24
            Junior Member
            Junior Member
            • Jan 2002
            • 7

            I don't think there's any way to determine the exact size of your divx file. It's just too hard because the final file size depends on:

            Your video encoding parameters (are you using 1 pass or 2 pass? what's your min/max quantizer? what's your video bitrate? etc),

            Your audio encoding parameters (are you encoding ac3? are you using mp3? what mp3 bitrate?),

            Your film size (are you cutting out the black margins in widescreen mode? are you resizing the film?)

            Your film itself (action movies are more complex than talking movies)

            I think the last item really makes it hard to tell how big your final Divx file will be.


            • NIkboss
              Junior Member
              Junior Member
              • Jan 2002
              • 2

              Originally posted by khp

              The old divx3.11 codec is generally not very good at file size prediction (especially the hi motion one).

              Better filesize prediction can be achived with 4.12 in two pass mode.


              • techno
                Digital Video Master
                Digital Video Master
                • Nov 2001
                • 1309

                No no no no no,

                It is predictable, the file size, in DIVX 3.11alpha using low motion, use a bitrate calc!

                DIVX 4 picture quality is good but file size is not as good. DIVX is supposed to be reducing the file size alot and maintaining high quality!!!!!!!

                Low motion works well on high action scenes if the CORRECT bitrate is used.

                Fast motion is good even in low motion scenes if the original source is good and does not product any artifacts.

                You should be happy with the film fitting < 700MB!!!! Cause many films are not as less in size as u have mentioned with ghostbusters(?)

                Stick with the original, DIVX 3.11alpha.



                • khp
                  The Other
                  • Nov 2001
                  • 2161

                  I refuse to comment on any of techno statements, other than noteing that divx3.11 fastmotion simply can't encode lowgradient surfaces (nomatter how high the quality is) without serious bloking in lowmotion scenes.

                  But you should read my first post in ths thread

                  And the codec comparingson at doom9

                  Donate your idle CPU time for something usefull.


                  • techno
                    Digital Video Master
                    Digital Video Master
                    • Nov 2001
                    • 1309

                    that's completly up to you. U ever tried experimenting? I am only giving my input from My experience, I didn't just say "fast motion" I also said "Low motion"



                    • khp
                      The Other
                      • Nov 2001
                      • 2161

                      U ever tried experimenting?
                      Yes I have done side by side comparisons, much like doom9's testing metohods, of approx 5 different movies, have you ?
                      Donate your idle CPU time for something usefull.


                      • techno
                        Digital Video Master
                        Digital Video Master
                        • Nov 2001
                        • 1309

                        Yes I have experimented, otherwise I wouldn't have said any of these things!

                        I have captured different music video, encoded them to MPEG2 to produce high quality, then to DIVX fast motion and low motion, fast motion (for some reason) seems brilliant, no artifacts, no macroblocks

                        Even movies.



                        • khp
                          The Other
                          • Nov 2001
                          • 2161

                          I have captured different music video, encoded them to MPEG2 to produce high quality, then to DIVX fast motion and low motion, fast motion (for some reason) seems brilliant, no artifacts, no macroblocks
                          Arhhh... so you are talking about TV captures, there's a world of difference between encodeing DVD's rips and TV captures.
                          TV capture contain massive amounts of noise compared to almost any DVD rip. This makes the complexity go sky high, which means that the fastmotion codec has more room to work.

                          The divx4.xx codec is in its standard configuration optimized for DVD rip's. Try to raise the min quantizer to 4 or 5 (divx3.11 uses 5 belive) and the max quantizer to 18 then use that for two pass encoding.
                          Donate your idle CPU time for something usefull.


                          • techno
                            Digital Video Master
                            Digital Video Master
                            • Nov 2001
                            • 1309

                            Yes KHP but the properties/principle of applying the codec to any source should be the same.

                            If it's Really high quality, I always use fast motion cause then it has more work to do and will work good on low motion scenes.



                            • khp
                              The Other
                              • Nov 2001
                              • 2161

                              Yes KHP but the properties/principle of applying the codec to any source should be the same.
                              Yes it would be nice if things could be simpified that much, unfortunatly that is not possible.

                              Much like the divx4.x codec doesn't work very well with TV captures (in standard configuration), the divx 3.11 fast motion can completly *uck up a DVD rip (filesize will often be less than 450MB (video only) for a 1:40 movie, regardless of bitrate settings).

                              The major difference between divx4 and divx3 is that, divx4 has unlocked the quantizers and has inbuild 2-pass encoding.

                              I prefer the freedom the unlocked quantizers give me, and the inbuild 2-pass encoding means that I can use any encoding tool I want.

                              Lets face if this stuff was simple everyone would be dooing it
                              Last edited by khp; 1 Feb 2002, 07:06 AM.
                              Donate your idle CPU time for something usefull.

