xvid.ax crashes windows explorer

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  • muesli_addict
    Junior Member
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    • Aug 2003
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    xvid.ax crashes windows explorer


    I have xvid codec installed on my machine ( win xp prosp1 all critical upd). The xvid vers is nic's CVS 16/07/03. The problem is that whilst browsing to a folder which contains .avi files ( xvid coded) windows explorer crashes , blaming xvid.ax. De-installing this cures the problem. I don't like to use the ffdshow libavcodec( looks crap on my system), any ideas - is there a better xvid build?
    Ive had the problem for a while , cannot say for sure if started directly after the installation of xvid or maybe some win xp component..My GF accused me of trashing the system with a virus!!

  • Kryalis
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Nov 2003
    • 3

    I just hit this problem myself, and I didn't have it yesterday.

    I think it's related to one of the recent "Critical Updates" for Windows Media Player 9. Since I did a load of those yesterday.

    Since I have another machine that has WMP 8 on it with the same codecs installed and it doesn't have this problem.

    I have this problem with "Ogm" files with Xvid videos in them, so if it's the same with AVI's then the problem probably we can rule out the 'package' as a problem.

    It isn't however all of my files. Only a few.

    Not that it helps much but the xvid error is actually a division by zero one.


    • muesli_addict
      Junior Member
      Junior Member
      • Aug 2003
      • 8

      Rats! Can't remember when i did wmp9 updates...obviously long enuf for me to have dele'd the rollback folders lol. I imaged my c: abt 2 weeks ago b4 chipset driver upgrades , but have a feeling
      this was after wmp9 stuff.
      Don't even use wmp9...Other peeps must be having same/similar probs?


      • Kryalis
        Junior Member
        Junior Member
        • Nov 2003
        • 3

        There's a reg hack to remove the .avi preview so it least stops it crashing explorer (but not during playback).

        Run regedit and find the following key :

        HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\SystemFileAssociations\.avi\shel lex\PropertyHandler

        Delete the "Default" value then close. This nukes all the .avi previews, but that's usually a good thing.

        I'm bored of deleting and checking hotfixs now, so I guess i'll use ffdshow.

        Out of interest are you running a Intel or AMD processor?


        • muesli_addict
          Junior Member
          Junior Member
          • Aug 2003
          • 8

          Already tried this , didn't work for me. However did not reboot after making the change...middle of a download.
          have amd barton 2500+ on a7n8x deluxe 2.0 mobo.
          On this forum the answer for everything is ' use ffdshow'....well ffdshow codec looks CRAP.


          • Kryalis
            Junior Member
            Junior Member
            • Nov 2003
            • 3

            The reason I asked about the processor was a person I was speaking to on IRC had the same problem, and he had an AMD 2500+ Barton. The same as I do.

            This could be a coincidence. I know all the latest builds using the Intel Compiler. This may be introducing an error for AMD users, more specifically Barton users since it's implementation changed a bit.

            There was an encoder issue a while back with some of the dev builds of xvid that may cause this issue. But more modern encodes shouldn't.

            I'll look into compiling a version myself to ensure there aren't any intel specific optimisations in there. Since xvid is somewhat well written tight code, they might be required

            Personally I don't mind the quality of the later alpha versions of ffdshow. Poke some of the quality options. They help.


            • muesli_addict
              Junior Member
              Junior Member
              • Aug 2003
              • 8

              I'd sure be interested if you do a re-compile ; this sort of stuff is way beyond me!
              Already running the latest alpha ffdshow from sourceforge . Personally I find there are too many options in ffdshow , have tweaked & poked endlessly , still cannot get it to look as good as a straight xvid decoder.
              I'm almost tempted to do a repair on my XP installation , just to verify if it is a wmp9 issue.


              • Enchanter
                Old member
                • Feb 2002
                • 5417

                Does this apply to virtually any XviD files you have? Or does this occur only with a select few of files (which might happen to be corrupt and hence causing the problem)?



                • muesli_addict
                  Junior Member
                  Junior Member
                  • Aug 2003
                  • 8

                  Any file which gspot shows as xvid coded ; i guess it's looking at the 4cc?
                  The files are all playable , open them up via bsplayer no problem.


                  • naknir
                    Junior Member
                    Junior Member
                    • Dec 2003
                    • 9

                    Originally posted by Kryalis
                    The reason I asked about the processor was a person I was speaking to on IRC had the same problem, and he had an AMD 2500+ Barton. The same as I do.

                    This could be a coincidence. I know all the latest builds using the Intel Compiler. This may be introducing an error for AMD users, more specifically Barton users since it's implementation changed a bit.

                    There was an encoder issue a while back with some of the dev builds of xvid that may cause this issue. But more modern encodes shouldn't.

                    I'll look into compiling a version myself to ensure there aren't any intel specific optimisations in there. Since xvid is somewhat well written tight code, they might be required

                    Personally I don't mind the quality of the later alpha versions of ffdshow. Poke some of the quality options. They help.
                    I too had this problem, and also having a Barton 2500+ processor..... But now it doesn't happen after I installed ffdshow, but another problem is happenning now (see in another topic).



                    • Ogros
                      Junior Member
                      Junior Member
                      • Aug 2004
                      • 2

                      The fix that worked for me and Why

                      Download the latest build from www.koepi.org or wherever remove any previous installs of xvid then close all unneccessary applications start the install eg(with Koepi's when it asks for language DO NOT PROCEED YET hit Ctrl+Alt+Del end task "explorer" then continue install WHEN FINISHED go back to task manager select "file" then "new task" type in "explorer" and you should be good to go.

                      the reason unistalling then reinstalling xvid doesn't work very well is explorer will hold the xvid.ax in cache and even if you uninstall and reboot explorer will continue to load the old xvid.ax although running the instalation when explorer is closed did update the "xvid.ax" to one which doe not conflict with media player 9.

                      Hopefully this works for you.

                      if not I do not pretend to be a guru it worked for me. I'm not looking to fix my not broken media player so don't ask me why yours still doesn't work although... I do accept praise.

                      Good luck

                      http://www.roeder.goe.net/cgi-bin/fe...1-05062004.exe (The build of Xvid I used)


                      • muesli_addict
                        Junior Member
                        Junior Member
                        • Aug 2003
                        • 8

                        wOw , blast from the past!

                        I did find another way of disabling the explorer previewing & then when updating to Xvid 1.0x the problem cleared without resorting to reg edits.


                        • martinimini
                          Junior Member
                          Junior Member
                          • Mar 2008
                          • 1

                          Had the same problems. Re-installing Xvid did the trick.

                          Download the latest version of the XviD codec, which is needed to play and create XviD videos. We offer free downloads for both Windows and Mac users.

