Paramount, part of Viacom, and the publicly held DreamWorks Animation said they would exclusively back the HD DVD format for the release of high-definition movies on disc. Among the movies the studios plan to release in the format are “Transformers” and “Shrek the Third.”
This is a huge blow for Blu-ray, and changes the HD format landscape completely. I would not be surprised if Warner Bros. went the same way too, because they were like Paramount and were HD DVD before turning neutral, and now back to exclusivity. If Warner Bros. goes HD DVD exclusive (they already have many titles that are HD DVD exclusive, and none that are Blu-ray exclusive), then I think Blu-ray will be in trouble, especially since the Xbox 360 seems to be holding it's own against the PS3 as well.
All the more reasons to wait and buy dual format players ...
Although as Doom9 noted, this sounds more like a hoax than anything else ...