Hey Guys!! Keyboard/mouse/trackball units?

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  • JakeBlues
    Digital Video Enthusiast
    Digital Video Enthusiast
    • Dec 2006
    • 364

    Hey Guys!! Keyboard/mouse/trackball units?

    Sorry I have been gone a bit... Between the new job (it really means working 40 plus hours a week and getting PAID more and real benifits! Whoo Hoo!) I have developed Gallstones and my life is cool but slow....

    ANYWAYS.... Remember the computer that I AM / WAS building?

    I have the parts still building/storeing up and have re-evaluated some of my needs. I was going to buy a 19-21 inch monitor but my TV is on the fritz and decided a 32 inch LCD color TV that will handle the computer also is the way to go.
    But I don't want to LEAN way over to a coffee table to the KB and Mouse. SO I was searching for a wireless keyboard with a built on mouse or tackball (only found ONE and the user ratings were crappy and it was very expensive) I DO NOT like or want a touch pad built on to it... If I'm gonna game and surf on the couch (Ahhhh heaven)
    I want it all in one unit I can set in my lap without wires.
    The only other unit I saw was KB with a 360 control thingy on one side
    and mouse buttons on the other..... Dunno about that!??
    Can you guys help me find a built in one unit that'll be fun for gaming and easy to use? If it's costly but works great I may consider it.
    My land lord had a 1200$ leather couch here and I don't like to leave it if I don't have to and having a mouse next to me on the seat is out.. dang I'm getting lazy!

    Thanks Guys!!!
    ElwoodsBrotherJake "...I'm on a mission from God, to help me and others from making coasters!