Help- I'm running into a wall here. After consulting with Pinnacle Studio 9 Tech Support and JVC (my camera's mfgr) it appears that i cannot caputre the recorded minDV date/time stamp onto my final product using the firewire digital download. I understand that each capture digital frame is date/time stamped but there is no way to splice/mix this in back into my completed project. They are telling me the only way to capture and display this infromation is via the analog camera output jacks. The problem seems pretty sillly as the funcitionality exists when using the camera A/V output to RCA composite connectors (for analog VHS tape recording. It's just the the firewire digital capture software doe not permit an overlay of the original date/time stamp back into a captured digital clip. Is this a software oversight of is there a more sinsiter techology flaw in Digital to digital coedcs used in the sofware?
Any help or suggesions would be appreciated.
Any help or suggesions would be appreciated.