How I Backed Up "The Forgotten" using DVD Decrypter version & DVD Shrink 3.2?
Insert "The Forgotten" into your DVD-ROM or your DVD burner/writer. (I tried it first on my DVD-ROM and my computer froze up, so I read the DVD from my DVD burner/writer.) After inserting it, a flash screen should pop up, just click "exit" in the lower right hand corner of that screen. Screen Shot Below:

After clicking "exit" on the flash screen. It should return you to your desktop or your previous screen. Now go ahead and start up DVD Decrypter.
In the "Source" drop down box, click the down arrow and select the drive with "The Forgotten" in it. Screen Shot Below:

Below the "Source" drop down box, is the "Destination" box. On the right hand side of the "Destination" box, there should be a little picture of a folder with a magnifying glass on top of it. Click that and choose where you want DVD Decrypter to save the file it outputs. Screen Shot Below:

After selecting the "Destination" directory, go ahead and click "Mode" at the top, then select "ISO", then select "Read R". Screen Shot Below:

Now click the "Decrypt" button. Screen Shot Below:

Wait for it to finish. (Mine took a little under a hour)
Done with DVD Decrypter!
After DVD Decrypter finishes, go ahead and exit DVD Decrypter. Now start up DVD Shrink. After DVD Shrink has started, hit "Ctrl+I".
The "Open" dialog box will pop up, navigate to the directory you selected in the "Destination" box of DVD Decrypter. There should now be a "DVD_VIDEO.ISO" file there. (It may be a different file name if you typed one in manually into the destination box in DVD Decrypter.) Screen Shot Below:

Click that "DVD_VIDEO.ISO", then click the "Open" button.
Now DVD Shrink will do a "Quick" analysis of the movie. After the "Quick" analysis, your screen should like this. Screen Shot Below:

Now lets start deselecting the stuff we don't want on the backup. First we will start with the "Audio". All I wanted or needed was the English audio. So I deselected the "French" and "Thai" audio. (I left the "subpictures" alone as they are of insignificant size to make a difference.) Screen Shot Below:

After taking off the unwanted audio streams, lets move on to the "Extras" folder. Go ahead and click the "Extras" folder. Then click the drop down box under the "Video" section on the right hand side of DVD Shrink. Change it from "Automatic" to "Still Image". (I almost always make the "Extras" folder a "Still Image" to improve the overall quality of the main movie.) Screen Shot Below:

Now click the "Unreferenced Materials" folder, and do the same thing as we did on the "Extras" folder. Screen Shot Below:

Now click the "Main Movie" folder, and you will notice the compression bar is at 100%. (Meaning no compression was used for the main movie.) Also the size meter at the top of DVD Shrink is all green with a small strip of gray at the end. Screen Shot Below:

Click "Backup!"
(I did a "Deep Analysis" on mine.)
Wait for it to finish! Screen Shot Below:

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