My system is a Dell Pentium 3 XPS T600, Win 98SE, 384 Mégas
RAM, a Plextor PlexWriter 16/10/40A CD burner, a Plextor PX-504A
DVD burner, a Quadrant International (QI) Cinematec 3.0
card, an Altec Lansing ADA880 sound installation and a Creative
Labs 1024 Digital soundcard.
My problem is the following : since I've bought the Plextor PX-504A, I' ve had problems with starting Audio CD's : automatic
detection works fine, but the player used (Creative Labs PlayCenter) gives a GPF fault (always at the same adress beginning with 019F) or (PlexTools) displays only the first track
with a minus one display time, and the track is unplayable.
But Digital Extraction works fine (same size and same content
with my two Plextor)...and Playback of DVD also ...till I buy a new
DVD last week, the Growing Up Live 2003 World Tour of Peter
Gabriel; the program used opens, the images seems to be good,
but the sound (AC3 6 channels) is chopped, like interrupted one
second on two, with a distorted background noise. I'va tried to
play it in other configurations (AC3 2 channels and analogic through the soundcard) results are the same; what's very strange
is that this problem only appears during the concert itself : the
introduction menu which is also in AC3 6 channels plays fine, and
the bonus too! Finally, I've also other musical DVD, which, of course, plays fine since always, all in AC3 6 channels too...
The last element I can give is the following : when displaying one
of my old DVD's in Windows Explorer and after right-clicking on
the Play command after selecting a VOB file, the file begins to play
in the Windows Media Player; doing the same with my new DVD
gives a message from Media Player saying the format file is
unrecognized by Media Player, and it's, of course, a VOB file too!
I've tried to play it on a Home DVD Player in a shop...and it works
fine! My idea is then I miss a pilot or driver because of a new
VOB format or so, but which????
Thanks for your answers,
PS: I edit my own message to give you complementary informations I found an half hour ago : I think the problem is the
fact that the VOB files on the concerned DVD are CSS encrypted
files; I still have the original Cinematec software, so can someone
say me which upgrade I must do to ensure the correct playback
of VOB CSS encrypted files with that software?
The executable file DVDPlayer.exe is the 1999 Ravisent DVD
Player Application version
Thanks once again,
My system is a Dell Pentium 3 XPS T600, Win 98SE, 384 Mégas
RAM, a Plextor PlexWriter 16/10/40A CD burner, a Plextor PX-504A
DVD burner, a Quadrant International (QI) Cinematec 3.0
card, an Altec Lansing ADA880 sound installation and a Creative
Labs 1024 Digital soundcard.
My problem is the following : since I've bought the Plextor PX-504A, I' ve had problems with starting Audio CD's : automatic
detection works fine, but the player used (Creative Labs PlayCenter) gives a GPF fault (always at the same adress beginning with 019F) or (PlexTools) displays only the first track
with a minus one display time, and the track is unplayable.
But Digital Extraction works fine (same size and same content
with my two Plextor)...and Playback of DVD also ...till I buy a new
DVD last week, the Growing Up Live 2003 World Tour of Peter
Gabriel; the program used opens, the images seems to be good,
but the sound (AC3 6 channels) is chopped, like interrupted one
second on two, with a distorted background noise. I'va tried to
play it in other configurations (AC3 2 channels and analogic through the soundcard) results are the same; what's very strange
is that this problem only appears during the concert itself : the
introduction menu which is also in AC3 6 channels plays fine, and
the bonus too! Finally, I've also other musical DVD, which, of course, plays fine since always, all in AC3 6 channels too...
The last element I can give is the following : when displaying one
of my old DVD's in Windows Explorer and after right-clicking on
the Play command after selecting a VOB file, the file begins to play
in the Windows Media Player; doing the same with my new DVD
gives a message from Media Player saying the format file is
unrecognized by Media Player, and it's, of course, a VOB file too!
I've tried to play it on a Home DVD Player in a shop...and it works
fine! My idea is then I miss a pilot or driver because of a new
VOB format or so, but which????
Thanks for your answers,
PS: I edit my own message to give you complementary informations I found an half hour ago : I think the problem is the
fact that the VOB files on the concerned DVD are CSS encrypted
files; I still have the original Cinematec software, so can someone
say me which upgrade I must do to ensure the correct playback
of VOB CSS encrypted files with that software?
The executable file DVDPlayer.exe is the 1999 Ravisent DVD
Player Application version
Thanks once again,