video probelms

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  • Monolitus
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Jan 2003
    • 7

    video probelms

    Hi there,

    I am using WMP as my main player.
    I d/l Nimo Codec Pack 5 Build 8 and installed it.
    This setup allowed me to watch all the movies / Star Trek episodes i needed.

    However, I cannot open with WMP nor Winamp V3 the following:
    ST Voyager The Chute - The player displays an error message
    Signs movie (with Mel Gibson) - the screen is blue and afterward i see the picture like the view of the Predator (Arnold movie ... )
    - meaning - is it VERY blurry ...

    However ... When I open those files with Virtual Dub and play them - the play perfectly .....

    1. Can I use V-Dub as a full screen player ?
    2. Does V-Dub and WMP/Winamp uses different codecs ??

    Any advice / answer will be gladly accepted ....


    Just an update: I read some post which recommended to uninstall Nimo Pack and install only the necessary codecs - well this solved the Signs problem, but not the STV problem ....

    Also - Whenever i use subtitles with VobSub the picture freezes and then jumps forward rapidly ..... Does anyone knows how 2 solve this problem ????
    Last edited by Monolitus; 19 Jan 2003, 01:10 AM.