BNC to Tv, or RGB to Tv

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  • Speling
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Mar 2006
    • 1

    BNC to Tv, or RGB to Tv

    Hi I am new one on this forum, and because I know what that mean I will try to be informative as I can.
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    I have next problem – I make video tutorials but I want to improve my way of doing that. I make them from industrial design field. I use some of very good and powerful packages in the world – Ptc ProEngineer as example. Normally I have design centre where I have all those licensed software’s, in education and design centre.
    What I now do – I create those video tutorials with help of programs named camtasia or simply capture video out from graphic card on another pc- I am not satisfied with both of those ways.
    Camtasia can capture easily 25 frames per second (PAL) in 1024 x 768 – but – that counts for ordinary work on PC. I am dealing with software packages, which are very demanding – like for instance word or excel. Work in ProE mean using accelerated graphic – OpenGl or so. If acceleration is allowed, than camtasia start making problems. Wok in ProE mean work on 3D – Projecting, engineering etc. When I start working on some heavy design- processor is push to top – That mean no to much of processor time was left for Camtasia – Buying faster processor will not solve problem.
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    Video Out
    I think much of you know how good video is on that – I am not satisfied – Video is blurred, and nothing cant be read – Simple I get all frames, but purity of picture is bad.
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    My thinking
    I am interested in next few things:
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    First solution is trying to transfer my video from RGB cable (second output for second monitor on my graphic card) to something, which can be watched, on TV (That mean I can capture it on second pc without to much compromises especial if quality is best)
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    Second solution is similar but I am trying to transfer from BNC (RGB cable from graphic card to 5 BNC jacks on another side – some professional monitors have something like that)
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    Third will be some dedicated hardware, which can capture video without help of processor – and can capture desktop – that is very important.
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    I have idea to explore those on what I am thinking with your help, or to listen something other whic I didn’t try until now. I am in computers since 1991 but professionally I start working from year 1995.
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    Sincerely your Speling
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    PS I have search forum for something which sound like this – but I didn’t find anything. If I miss something I am sorry, but I will gladly read it if you point me there.