Novice looking for help

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  • rogue22

    Novice looking for help

    Hi, i need some advice on installing and using VirtualDub, is there any total beginners guides for a complete novice.

    I'm trying to find a way of removing some stubborn subtitles from a AVI file and hopefully repair it if possible, when being played the file keeps stopping for split second giving it a kind of jerky movement when panning etc, its like a visual stutter, i'm obviously not clued up on the correct video terminology yet and hope someone will know what i mean. This happens in various parts of the file during play back from the odd one or lasting for some minutes, world it possible to repair the file.

    There was one more question and i think the proper terminology is deinterlacing, i have some HD files of the space
    shuttle launch which seem to show the classic signs of being interlaced when being played, could VirtaulDubs deinterlacing
    filter help with this, thanx.