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  • Best Properties For Rendering To MPEG?

    What are the most desirable properties to choose prior to rendering a video in MPEG, for uploading to YouTube.

    These are the properties I've set for rendering a video to MPEG--but the editing program freezes at around 40% of the rendering process....

    MPEG-4 Files...
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  • Motion Vector Prediction in H.264

    I have a couple of doubts regarding the Motion Vector Prediction in H264.
    1) As per the algo, i the top-right neighbour is not present, we consider the Top-left neighbour. Why is the Top-right given priority over Top-left in the first place? Is there any specific reason for that ...
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  • nbhatia
    started a topic playing files through tversity on xbox

    playing files through tversity on xbox

    hi guys, i have an issue with certain mp4 files not playing on the xbox.

    i have other mpeg-4 that work and some that dont. avi seem to work fine

    this is the info of the file that im trying to play. im new at this so please bear with me. im not sure if i need to change the...
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  • play avi on standalone player divx mpeg-4 compatible

    Hello, I've bought a new dvd-player. AIRIS L105 C. The seller told me it was divx mpeg-4 compatible. I asked around, and people told me that it would be able to play avi's from cd. Now, I am trying to do this but I can't get it to work.

    Is that particular player divx mpeg-4 compatible...
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