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2 results in 0.0022 seconds.

  • telemarcelo
    started a topic Virtual Dub Choppy Reverse

    Virtual Dub Choppy Reverse

    I apologize for the basic nature of this question but I've looked all over and I can't seem to get an answer I understand (any answer really!)

    When I do this (with or without the trim which I added just to make sure it wasn't a frame quantity issue)

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  • Cerebrus
    started a topic Resizing a video *prior to* compression

    Resizing a video *prior to* compression

    Hi all,

    This is my first post here although I've been lurking around similar forums for a while now. I'm not completely new to video encoding, having done a few encodes and I understand the basics. I have a lot of AVI movies that are usually around 2 CD's in size (1.4 GB, already XviD...
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