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firmware update

  • jedimindtime
    started a topic BDR-207MBK FW versions?

    BDR-207MBK FW versions?

    Hi, I just flashed my Pioneer BDR-207MBK with FW1.60 (ID-60) from Firmware HQ, I originally had FW1.21 from factory. Everything flashed O.K but I wanted to know what the changes were between 1.21 and 1.60 and could not find a changelog on FWHQ so I went to the Pioneer site, but they only offer FW 1.30...
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  • thespin
    started a topic NON-Standard DVDROM firmware update

    NON-Standard DVDROM firmware update

    "Hello world!"

    Great forum you have here, people. This is my first post.

    I have a LG GDR-H10N DVDROM (SATA I think) on my Dell Dim E520 running XP Pro. It's of no use to me. I just let the standard option ride when I was purchasing the machine because Dell...
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