Problema subtitulos permanentes

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  • Prozack
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Jun 2007
    • 2

    Problema subtitulos permanentes

    Hol@ a tod@s,

    He seguido todos los pasos de la Guía DivxLand para incrustar subtítulos permanentes en una película pero a mitad de la recompresión se me para. He cambiado a otra versión del VirtualDub y me ocurre lo mismo pero más al principio.
    Creo que la película está bien porque no tengo ningún problema con ningún reproductor.
    El mensaje de error es este:

    VirtualDub crash report -- build 16297 (release)
    10011860: 55 push ebp
    10011861: 84ff test bh, bh
    10011863: 75c0 jnz 10011825
    10011865: ff75cc push dword ptr [ebp-34]
    10011868: ff75d0 push dword ptr [ebp-30]
    1001186b: 52 push edx
    1001186c: 53 push ebx
    1001186d: e8a2a70000 call 1001c014
    10011872: 83c414 add esp, 14
    10011875: 8d93d0000000 lea edx, [ebx+d0]
    1001187b: 8d8bdc000000 lea ecx, [ebx+dc]
    10011881: 8955f4 mov [ebp-0c], edx
    10011884: 894df8 mov [ebp-08], ecx
    10011887: e963f9ffff jmp 100111ef
    1001188c: 83bb6845010000 cmp dword ptr [ebx+14568], 00
    10011893: 740a jz 1001189f
    10011895: c7836845010001 mov dword ptr [ebx+14568], 00000001
    1001189f: 8b9324450100 mov edx, [ebx+14524]
    100118a5: 83fa02 cmp edx, 02
    100118a8: 0f8c54010000 jl 10011a02
    100118ae: 8b9360450100 mov edx, [ebx+14560]
    100118b4: 8b8b64450100 mov ecx, [ebx+14564]
    100118ba: 3bd1 cmp edx, ecx
    100118bc: 7738 ja 100118f6
    100118be: 8d83d0000000 lea eax, [ebx+d0]
    100118c4: be10000000 mov esi, 00000010
    100118c9: 51 push ecx
    100118ca: 52 push edx
    100118cb: 68dcc91110 push 1011c9dc
    100118d0: 56 push esi
    100118d1: 56 push esi
    100118d2: ffb3c4000000 push dword ptr [ebx+c4]
    100118d8: ffb3c8000000 push dword ptr [ebx+c8]
    100118de: 50 push eax
    100118df: e890110500 call 10062a74
    100118e4: 83c420 add esp, 20
    100118e7: 8b5510 mov edx, [ebp+10]
    100118ea: c7420400000000 mov dword ptr [edx+04], 00000000 <-- FAULT
    100118f1: e93d010000 jmp 10011a33
    100118f6: 8d5584 lea edx, [ebp-7c]
    100118f9: ff75c4 push dword ptr [ebp-3c]
    100118fc: ff75c8 push dword ptr [ebp-38]
    100118ff: ff75cc push dword ptr [ebp-34]
    10011902: 52 push edx
    10011903: 53 push ebx
    10011904: e8631f0000 call 1001386c
    10011909: 83c414 add esp, 14
    1001190c: 8d93d0000000 lea edx, [ebx+d0]
    10011912: 8b8b14450100 mov ecx, [ebx+14514]
    10011918: 837b2000 cmp dword ptr [ebx+20], 00
    1001191c: 8955ec mov [ebp-14], edx
    1001191f: 894df0 mov [ebp-10], ecx
    10011922: 740e jz 10011932
    10011924: 8b4d0c mov ecx, [ebp+0c]
    10011927: 8b4104 mov eax, [ecx+04]
    1001192a: 83e0ef and eax, ef
    1001192d: 894104 mov [ecx+04], eax
    10011930: eb06 jmp 10011938
    10011932: 8b4d0c mov ecx, [ebp+0c]
    10011935: 8b4104 mov eax, [ecx+04]
    10011938: a81c test al, 1c
    1001193a: 7474 jz 100119b0
    1001193c: 8b4df0 mov ecx, [ebp-10]
    1001193f: 85c9 test ecx, ecx
    10011941: 746d jz 100119b0
    10011943: 8d8bf4000000 lea ecx, [ebx+f4]
    10011949: 894dec mov [ebp-14], ecx
    1001194c: ffb3c4000000 push dword ptr [ebx+c4]
    10011952: ffb3c8000000 push dword ptr [ebx+c8]
    10011958: 52 push edx
    10011959: 51 push ecx
    1001195a: e8b5c1ffff call 1000db14
    1001195f: 83 db 83
    Windows 5.1 (Windows XP build 2600) [Service Pack 2]
    EAX = 00000230
    EBX = 02ea0080
    ECX = 00000000
    EDX = 00000000
    EBP = 0440f0b0
    DS:ESI = 0023:00000010
    ES:EDI = 0023:00000001
    SS:ESP = 0023:0440f034
    CS:EIP = 001b:100118ea
    FS = 003b
    GS = 0000
    EFLAGS = 00010202
    FPUCW = ffff027f
    FPUTW = ffffaaaa
    MM0 = 7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7e
    MM1 = 7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7e
    MM2 = 0000000000000001
    MM3 = 0000000000000001
    MM4 = 7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7e
    MM5 = 7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7e
    MM6 = 00890089008a008b
    MM7 = 0101010101010101
    Crash reason: Access Violation
    Crash context:
    An out-of-bounds memory access (access violation) occurred in module 'xvid'...
    ...while decompressing video frame 6262 with "XviD MPEG-4 Codec" [biCompression=44495658] (VideoSource.cpp:1516)...
    ...while running thread "Processing" (thread.cpp:105).
    Thread traces:
    Thread 00000c24 (Main thread)
    C:\p4root\dev\VirtualDub\source\VideoSource.cpp(58 8)
    C:\p4root\dev\VirtualDub\source\VideoSource.cpp(61 6)
    C:\p4root\dev\VirtualDub\source\FilterSystem.cpp(1 23)
    C:\p4root\dev\VirtualDub\source\FilterSystem.cpp(1 25)
    C:\p4root\dev\VirtualDub\source\FilterSystem.cpp(1 23)
    C:\p4root\dev\VirtualDub\source\FilterSystem.cpp(1 25)
    C:\p4root\dev\VirtualDub\source\FilterSystem.cpp(1 23)
    C:\p4root\dev\VirtualDub\source\FilterSystem.cpp(1 25)
    C:\p4root\dev\VirtualDub\source\FilterSystem.cpp(1 23)
    C:\p4root\dev\VirtualDub\source\FilterSystem.cpp(1 25)
    C:\p4root\dev\VirtualDub\source\FilterSystem.cpp(1 23)
    C:\p4root\dev\VirtualDub\source\FilterSystem.cpp(1 25)
    C:\p4root\dev\VirtualDub\source\FilterSystem.cpp(4 08)
    C:\p4root\dev\VirtualDub\source\FilterSystem.cpp(4 24)
    Thread 00000d24 (FastWriteStream)
    Thread 00000204 (Processing)
    C:\p4root\dev\VirtualDub\source\VideoSequenceCompr essor.cpp(359)
    C:\p4root\dev\VirtualDub\source\VideoSequenceCompr essor.cpp(374)
    C:\p4root\dev\VirtualDub\source\VideoSource.cpp(15 14)
    C:\p4root\dev\VirtualDub\source\VideoSource.cpp(15 47)
    C:\p4root\dev\VirtualDub\source\FilterSystem.cpp(5 12)
    C:\p4root\dev\VirtualDub\source\FilterSystem.cpp(5 25)
    C:\p4root\dev\VirtualDub\source\VideoSequenceCompr essor.cpp(359)
    C:\p4root\dev\VirtualDub\source\VideoSequenceCompr essor.cpp(374)
    C:\p4root\dev\VirtualDub\source\VideoSource.cpp(15 14)
    Thread 00000de4 (Dub-I/O)
    Thread call stack:100118ea: xvid!xvid_decore [10000000+9f68+7982]
    10009ff3: xvid!xvid_decore [10000000+9f68+8b]
    10009f99: xvid!xvid_decore [10000000+9f68+31]
    1000231e: xvid!0000231e
    10008977: xvid!DriverProc [10000000+873c+23b]
    7c91d4ea: ntdll!NtAllocateVirtualMemory [7c910000+d4de+c]
    7c9280ff: ntdll!RtlReAllocateHeap [7c910000+179fd+702]
    7c921bff: ntdll!RtlInitializeCriticalSection [7c910000+11b2d+d2]
    7c92825d: ntdll!RtlReAllocateHeap [7c910000+179fd+860]
    7c921538: ntdll!wcsncpy [7c910000+10a8f+aa9]
    7c921596: ntdll!wcsncpy [7c910000+10a8f+b07]
    7c9206eb: ntdll!RtlAllocateHeap [7c910000+105d4+117]
    7c920732: ntdll!RtlAllocateHeap [7c910000+105d4+15e]
    7c9206ab: ntdll!RtlAllocateHeap [7c910000+105d4+d7]
    7c9206eb: ntdll!RtlAllocateHeap [7c910000+105d4+117]
    7c921538: ntdll!wcsncpy [7c910000+10a8f+aa9]
    7c921596: ntdll!wcsncpy [7c910000+10a8f+b07]
    7c9206eb: ntdll!RtlAllocateHeap [7c910000+105d4+117]
    7c9206ab: ntdll!RtlAllocateHeap [7c910000+105d4+d7]
    7c921bff: ntdll!RtlInitializeCriticalSection [7c910000+11b2d+d2]
    7c921dac: ntdll!RtlInitializeCriticalSection [7c910000+11b2d+27f]
    7c920eca: ntdll!wcsncpy [7c910000+10a8f+43b]
    7c920e91: ntdll!wcsncpy [7c910000+10a8f+402]
    7c920551: ntdll!RtlFreeHeap [7c910000+1043d+114]
    7c9206eb: ntdll!RtlAllocateHeap [7c910000+105d4+117]
    77bfc2de: msvcrt!free [77be0000+1c21b+c3]
    77bfc2e3: msvcrt!free [77be0000+1c21b+c8]
    7c9206eb: ntdll!RtlAllocateHeap [7c910000+105d4+117]
    77bfc3c9: msvcrt!free [77be0000+1c21b+1ae]
    00d94aed: Subtitler!VirtualdubFilterModuleDeinit [00d90000+21a0+294d]
    00d97b7c: Subtitler!VirtualdubFilterModuleDeinit [00d90000+21a0+59dc]
    00d97b8f: Subtitler!VirtualdubFilterModuleDeinit [00d90000+21a0+59ef]
    7c80b62e: kernel32!GetModuleFileNameA [7c800000+b4cf+15f]
    7c80b643: kernel32!GetModuleFileNameA [7c800000+b4cf+174]
    7c920732: ntdll!RtlAllocateHeap [7c910000+105d4+15e]
    7c921538: ntdll!wcsncpy [7c910000+10a8f+aa9]
    7c921596: ntdll!wcsncpy [7c910000+10a8f+b07]
    7c9206eb: ntdll!RtlAllocateHeap [7c910000+105d4+117]
    7c920732: ntdll!RtlAllocateHeap [7c910000+105d4+15e]
    7c9206ab: ntdll!RtlAllocateHeap [7c910000+105d4+d7]
    7c9206eb: ntdll!RtlAllocateHeap [7c910000+105d4+117]
    7c920732: ntdll!RtlAllocateHeap [7c910000+105d4+15e]
    7c921538: ntdll!wcsncpy [7c910000+10a8f+aa9]
    7c921596: ntdll!wcsncpy [7c910000+10a8f+b07]
    7c9206eb: ntdll!RtlAllocateHeap [7c910000+105d4+117]
    7c920833: ntdll!RtlAllocateHeap [7c910000+105d4+25f]
    7c920895: ntdll!RtlImageDirectoryEntryToData [7c910000+10856+3f]
    7c920833: ntdll!RtlAllocateHeap [7c910000+105d4+25f]
    7c91d4ea: ntdll!NtAllocateVirtualMemory [7c910000+d4de+c]
    7c9280ff: ntdll!RtlReAllocateHeap [7c910000+179fd+702]
    7c921bff: ntdll!RtlInitializeCriticalSection [7c910000+11b2d+d2]
    7c92825d: ntdll!RtlReAllocateHeap [7c910000+179fd+860]
    7c91378b: ntdll!RtlConvertUlongToLargeInteger [7c910000+3745+46]
    7c921538: ntdll!wcsncpy [7c910000+10a8f+aa9]
    7c921596: ntdll!wcsncpy [7c910000+10a8f+b07]
    7c9206eb: ntdll!RtlAllocateHeap [7c910000+105d4+117]
    7c921bff: ntdll!RtlInitializeCriticalSection [7c910000+11b2d+d2]
    7c92825d: ntdll!RtlReAllocateHeap [7c910000+179fd+860]
    7c921538: ntdll!wcsncpy [7c910000+10a8f+aa9]
    7c921596: ntdll!wcsncpy [7c910000+10a8f+b07]
    7c9206eb: ntdll!RtlAllocateHeap [7c910000+105d4+117]
    7c9280ff: ntdll!RtlReAllocateHeap [7c910000+179fd+702]
    7c921bff: ntdll!RtlInitializeCriticalSection [7c910000+11b2d+d2]
    7c91da54: ntdll!NtFreeVirtualMemory [7c910000+da48+c]
    7c928331: ntdll!RtlReAllocateHeap [7c910000+179fd+934]
    7c928632: ntdll!RtlReAllocateHeap [7c910000+179fd+c35]
    00d91dc1: Subtitler!00001dc1
    77f0c54c: GDI32!Ellipse [77ef0000+1c48f+bd]
    77f1db8d: GDI32!GetTextExtentExPointW [77ef0000+2db43+4a]
    00d91ddf: Subtitler!00001ddf
    00d96605: Subtitler!VirtualdubFilterModuleDeinit [00d90000+21a0+4465]
    00d96a75: Subtitler!VirtualdubFilterModuleDeinit [00d90000+21a0+48d5]
    00d96716: Subtitler!VirtualdubFilterModuleDeinit [00d90000+21a0+4576]
    00d96de4: Subtitler!VirtualdubFilterModuleDeinit [00d90000+21a0+4c44]
    75ed18a8: MSVFW32!ICSendMessage [75ed0000+187d+2b]
    75ed4c4d: MSVFW32!ICDecompress [75ed0000+4c10+3d]
    0041ae54: VideoSourceAVI::streamGetFrame()
    0040bd73: AVIOutputFile::writeIndexedChunk()
    0046f88e: FastWriteStream::_Put()
    004ad490: ceil()
    0046a522: Dubber::WriteVideoFrame()
    004098ef: AVIAudioOutputStream::write()
    00460a9a: AVIPipe::getReadBuffer()
    0046b2b4: Dubber::ThreadRun()
    7c80de73: kernel32!DuplicateHandle [7c800000+ddfe+75]
    004a3658: VDThread::StaticThreadStart()
    004aea4a: _threadstartex@4()
    7c80b683: kernel32!GetModuleFileNameA [7c800000+b4cf+1b4]
    -- End of report

    Si alguien me da una respuesta, estaría muy agradecido.

    Muchas gracias.
  • Prozack
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Jun 2007
    • 2

    resumen mensaje error

    El mensaje de error de VirtualDub se resume en:

    An out-of-bounds memory access (access violation) occurred in module 'xvid'...
    ...while decompressing video frame 6262 with "XviD MPEG-4 Codec" [biCompression=44495658] (VideoSource.cpp:1609)...
    ...while running thread "Processing" (thread.cpp:105).



    • Inuya5ha
      • Jul 2005
      • 226

      Proba reinstalar el ultimo codec XviD o bien usar el DivX nomas.

