Ok, yesterday I tried to backup my copy of Return to Oz. I went through DVD DECRYPTER to make it into a file and then shrink to turn it into ISO. All went fine. Then I went back to DECYPTER to burn it. On the bottom of the box of dvd decypter it said "Locking Volume for Exclusive Access". I had never seen this before. Then I got an error saying
"DeviceIoControl(FSCTL_Lock_VOLUME) Failed!
Device:[1:0:0] Toshiba DVD-ROM
SD-R5002 1S32 (E
Unable to lock volume for
exclusive access.
Reason: Access is denied." it then gave me a choice to abort ignore or retry. I did the retry several times then chose ignore and burned the disc (I burn at 1x as my burner can't go any faster). After the burn was done the I played it and it froze in several places and was a coaster. Then I tried it again burned all the way through and it didn't give me the error and worked fine! So I'm backing up dvd's tonight and I'm on my 3rd one which was TAKEN vol. 1 and I get the same message. I restart my computer and try again and no more error messages and it appears to be burning fine right now. I use Taiyo Yuden dvd-r's to burn. Can anyone help tell me why I got these error messages? They'd never occured before. Thanks!
"DeviceIoControl(FSCTL_Lock_VOLUME) Failed!
Device:[1:0:0] Toshiba DVD-ROM
SD-R5002 1S32 (E

Unable to lock volume for
exclusive access.
Reason: Access is denied." it then gave me a choice to abort ignore or retry. I did the retry several times then chose ignore and burned the disc (I burn at 1x as my burner can't go any faster). After the burn was done the I played it and it froze in several places and was a coaster. Then I tried it again burned all the way through and it didn't give me the error and worked fine! So I'm backing up dvd's tonight and I'm on my 3rd one which was TAKEN vol. 1 and I get the same message. I restart my computer and try again and no more error messages and it appears to be burning fine right now. I use Taiyo Yuden dvd-r's to burn. Can anyone help tell me why I got these error messages? They'd never occured before. Thanks!