Hey everyone, I know how to download MVs from Yahoo! Music, that is easy, but AOL is a whole seperate matter. They use Real Player files, and RM Recorder is stupid and won't detect it. I got one to download once by clicking "play with RealPlayer", than going to Attributes and copying the stream, but they since disabled that. Any ideas on how to download music videos from there?
Downloading from AOL Music
Downloading from AOL Music
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I know you can download AOL music videos using Firefox but I can't remember how and I am to lazy to do a google -
Doesn't work any more. I tried it many times.
Dang you AOL for outsmarting us downloaders!CYA Later:
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After long hours of Googling and reading through encrypted sourcecodes I found that why RM Recorder doesn't work was that they changed from RM to WMV files
Got it to work by using WM Recorder, and their security is really tough so it gives you a fake link 1 sec after the video starts. So you go to URL's, and select the RSTP one (out of the almost 20 it creates)
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