Volume Control
Volume Control
This might not be the correct forum for this post but there are some very knowledgeable people here so here's my question. I'm using MusicMatch Jukebox to burn MP-3's to disk, the problem is that with mmj I can volume level my selections with in the program however when I burn them to disk some come out very very loud and some come out were you can barely hear them. Is there any programs that will allow me to volume level while recording to disk and if not does anyone know of a program were I can change the volume of all my selections globally instead of going into an editor and re-recording each track individually. I have over 2000 songs on my computer. Thanks Too-Cool
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Chew, you hit the nail on the head that was exactly what I was looking for and it worked perfectly. Thanks for the quick response and the link to mp3gain download. I'm in music heaven now, no more spikes and lows just perfect volume. Again Thanks a bunch. Too-cool