Name That File??

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  • volfann
    Digital Video Enthusiast
    Digital Video Enthusiast
    • Jun 2006
    • 384

    well at least google showed you something JM. I came up empty every time I googled it.. Looks like I'm not the only person to have this issue. Doesn't seem to be an answer for it though. Guess I will have to monitor now and see if it tries to create file again.. Weird stuff..

    Rent This Space


    • jm1647
      An Eagles Fan, A MenuShrinker
      • Apr 2005
      • 3661

      Originally Posted by volfann
      well at least google showed you something JM. I came up empty every time I googled it.. Looks like I'm not the only person to have this issue. Doesn't seem to be an answer for it though. Guess I will have to monitor now and see if it tries to create file again.. Weird stuff..
      At first I just searched glc99.tmp found nothing
      Then for glc.tmp then seen post about glc(#'s).tmp .
      Did you ever use Opera I found 1 specific post where when installing it a message came up about glc.tmp.

      It might be a tmp file used during installation(s) of different programs that never gets deleted by window$ for some reason. Some were named ~glc.tmp Looks like nothing to worry about other then deleting it.


      • Chewy
        Super Moderator
        • Nov 2003
        • 18971

        one post showed windows going amok and filling the hard drive with that file


        • volfann
          Digital Video Enthusiast
          Digital Video Enthusiast
          • Jun 2006
          • 384

          never used opera....use firefox.. the guy that had it filling his hd at sporadic intervals bothers me too Chewy.

          Rent This Space


          • Chewy
            Super Moderator
            • Nov 2003
            • 18971

            like i said I don't want it, whatever you had, sounds dangerous, can crash windows permanently


            • volfann
              Digital Video Enthusiast
              Digital Video Enthusiast
              • Jun 2006
              • 384

              I will stay on top of this thing Chew,but I think if I ever get to the bottom of it I will find it was misplaced lost file or something. My computer had no ill effects either before or after deletion of the file and a 7 gig rogue trojan would surely have had some effect on system performance that would have been noticed.

              Rent This Space


              • Chewy
                Super Moderator
                • Nov 2003
                • 18971

                you realize from the google searches how rare this is?


                • volfann
                  Digital Video Enthusiast
                  Digital Video Enthusiast
                  • Jun 2006
                  • 384

                  is it rare or does it exist in many computers and go unnoticed? I didn't find it through a virus scan or because my computer was acting up . I found it from doing a defrag and just happened to look at the screen while it was busy moving the file and got curious enough to see what the file was.

                  Rent This Space


                  • jm1647
                    An Eagles Fan, A MenuShrinker
                    • Apr 2005
                    • 3661

                    @volfan Two small free programs that are quick and easy to use that I use are Folder Report and CCleaner

                    Folder Report will scan an entire HDD and list the folders\files by size. Its quick too and can be sorted by size so spotting unusual stuff is easy.

                    CCleaner will get rid of a lotta junk and definitely clean out your username\local settings\temp folder. It's quick and easy to use.

                    Neither will keep it from coming back but will let ya see it and get rid of it quickly.

                    The date it showed were you doing anything with a big file?


                    • volfann
                      Digital Video Enthusiast
                      Digital Video Enthusiast
                      • Jun 2006
                      • 384

                      I use c cleaner frequently,but it never picked up on this file. due to the size I feel like it was a misplaced movie file. I generally have my output files sent to my external drive but may have slipped and sent one back to C drive. not sure how it would have ended up as a temp and how it would get named GLC99 though. I will try the prog. folder report so i can keep an eye on any other issues that may arise.

                      Rent This Space


                      • jm1647
                        An Eagles Fan, A MenuShrinker
                        • Apr 2005
                        • 3661

                        @volfan - Did ya have trouble burning a DVD that night?

                        There is a setting in CCleaner to NOT delete window$ temp files unless they are more than 48 hours that is set by default. You can uncheck it it to have it delete all files regardless of time\date. So if ya didn't run CCleaner after it was more than 48 hours after the 31st old that is why it was still there.

                        The setting is under options on the advanced tab if ya want to change it.


                        • volfann
                          Digital Video Enthusiast
                          Digital Video Enthusiast
                          • Jun 2006
                          • 384

                          Never had any burning problems,especially since RipIt4Me came along. I update drivers and firmware religiously. Do manual scans on a regular basis. The last big issue I had was 2 months ago when I tried running Vista and then ended up doing a clean install of XP. Maybe we need Columbo on this mystery. Where you at LT.?

                          Rent This Space

