Laptop Cant Turn On

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  • Phillip
    Super Member
    Super Member
    • May 2006
    • 272

    Laptop Cant Turn On

    Guys yesterday my laptop just witched off and refused to turn on...just blank no small light coming out nothings just switched off.

    Luckily I scanned my slip for warantee and backed it up on a CD so it will be easy to take it for repair. I boutght it seven months ago.

    Has anybody had this problem before and is there anything I should try before taking it for repair?
  • toomanycats
    Digital Video Expert
    Digital Video Expert
    • Apr 2005
    • 595

    Not if it's on warrantee. I wouldn't touch it.


    • Phillip
      Super Member
      Super Member
      • May 2006
      • 272

      fixed it wasnt receiving power....just power problem


      • RFBurns
        To Infinity And Byond
        • May 2006
        • 499


        Great that it was just a power source problem.

        Tip: Most often the power adaptors for laptop computers work through a power supply box that has 2 cords. One plugs into the AC outlet, the other is the power box's connection to the laptop. Sometimes the cords will get pulled and sometimes the wires inside the connectors can become loose or broken due to stresses.

        Using tie wraps and sticky tie wrap mounts, you can place 2 of the sticky tie wrap mounts on the power box. Then take 2 tie wrap straps and wrap one on each power cord and secure it through the little slot on the sticky tie wrap mount. Loop the cords so that they have 1 loop each. This way if the cords are pulled on, the stress will not be on the connectors, but at the tie wrap mount, keeping the wires at the connector from getting pulled and broken. The tie wraps and tie wrap mounts can be found at Radio Shack or any electronic supply store, very cheap too.

        Here..I will fix it!

        Sony Digital Video and Still camera CCD imager service

        MCM Video Stabalizer

