What is the purpose of these two?Do they even have to be there?
Partition Question
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Usually it should not say "(unknown partition)" but I found a support document from MS on this, check it out...
You are wasting 4 GB of space if you cannot access it and use it.Last edited by techreactor; 15 Dec 2006, 04:41 PM. -
Thanks So from what I gather it's safe to delete and not needed especially since I have the full windows disc.Thanks againComment
If its a recoverypartition you wouldnt want to delete it since it contains OS recovery files, HW drivers etc. If its what the MS article refers to, it can only be recovered by doing a full disk partition remove and reinstall everything.Comment
Just to let you guys know all went well for me.I had to do it just for the experience.It took me a while to figure things out and do my own maintenance on this thing but it's all finally starting to make sense to me And it saves me from giving my $100 to the geek squadComment
I started slaving the drives into another computer and using xp to prepare the
disks, with pata drives you then can format partitions with dma which is a lot faster, then I would load windows but already have all my drivers and installers on a D/data partition, first few times windows wouldn't boot cause I didn't know about making the partition active. The cd does that automatically when it creates a system partition.Comment
With the laptop I just got it had the recovery partition on it also. I made the 2 recovery DVDs, Imaged the c drive with Acronis to a networked HDD, then installed Partition Magic deleted the recovery partition, then made 2 partitions outta the total free space for a total of 3 partitions on the 60GB drive it has in it. Then I got ridda the preinstalled junk that I didn't want on the cdriveNot registered Go here and click register to join the Digital Digest Forums