Hey all. I'm in a bit of a squeeze here and need some serious help. I am trying to create a very large slide show that I can eventually put on a DVD. My grandfather is having his 90th birthday in two weeks and our entire family has dumped a ton of pics on me. Roughly 550 pics in all. Along with about 8 songs that mean alot to him. I've been able to join all the songs together in both MP3 and WAV so they are ready to go. My problem is finding a program (preferably free) that can do what I'm looking to do. I have tried two so far. Phototofilm with no luck. As well as Slide Show Movie Maker (SSMM) also without any luck. I'm starting to think maybe this is not a possible project to accomplish but I know if it is possible someone here in this forum will definatly know how to get it done. Thanks in advance for any help you can give me.
Looking for lots of help on makeing a slide show
Do you have Nero Express 2?
Not the best IMO, but it does have a Slide Show project. This may work for you.
Hope this helps.Important: Remember, if something is worth doing, its worth doing wronguntil you learn to do it Right!
sigpic IT'S ALL GOOD -
SSMM ........http://www.joern-thiemann.de/tools/S.../download.html
Sorry guess you tried already!!! But I've had good luck with it.A little hard to setup ,but once done its cool!!!!!Last edited by shrink0; 11 Feb 2007, 02:33 PM.sigpic
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