I'm having problems converting one of my external hard drives from FAT 32 to HTFS. It's a Freecom 160GB hard drive and I went to: http://www.microsoft.com/technet/pro...onvertfat.mspx and I followed the instructions to the letter that Microsoft claim this convertion is very easy. I think their help sucks because I got this that follows.

I'm fed-up with these FAT 32 hard drives that limit our usage where we can only use 50% of the hard drives. I've just formatted that hard drive so it's ready to convert and now I'm stuck.
Many thanks.
I'm fed-up with these FAT 32 hard drives that limit our usage where we can only use 50% of the hard drives. I've just formatted that hard drive so it's ready to convert and now I'm stuck.
Many thanks.