C++ Help needed PLEASE

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  • unckiejohn
    Junior Member
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    • Sep 2005
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    C++ Help needed PLEASE

    I need a quick bit of help with some C++ ( beginner )

    I am taking an entry level C++ class and we are at the point where we are learning how to use if else statments

    We are using Microsoft Visual C++ Basic

    The program runs but does not perform the math ?????

    And the assignment is as follows:

    <b><big> Program Development</big></b>
    A program is required to convert a temperature that is expressed in one unit, into a temperature of another unit.
    The units the program must be designed to accept are:
    • K - Kelvin
    • C - Celsius
    • R - Rankine
    • F - Fahrenheit
    A typical screen display is shown below:
    <big>This program will convert a temperature in units
    of Celsius (C), Kelvin (K), Fahrenheit (F) or
    Rankine (R), to a temperature in any of these units.

    Input Temperature: 37
    Units to convert from (C, K, F, R): c

    Units to convert to (C, K, F, R): f

    A temperature of 37 °C is equivalent to 98.6 °F.

    Press any key to continue</big>

    You should be able to input the units in either upper or lower case.


    this is as far as I have gotten


    // john
    // EN17
    // temperture conversion homework

    # include <iostream.h>

    int main ()


    // Decalre variables

    double Temp_in , Temp_out ,TEMP_K;
    char UNITS_in , UNITS_out,C,F,R,K;

    // Prompt for Values

    cout<< "This program will convert any temperature, from one unit to another";
    cout<< "\n\nEnter the value of the temperature: ";
    cin >> Temp_in;
    cout<< "\n\nEnter the current units of the temperature\nfor Celcius, enter C:\nfor Farenheit, enter F:";
    cout<< "\nfor Rankine, enter R\nfor Kelvine, enter K\n: ";
    cin >> UNITS_in;
    cout<< "\n\nEnter the units of temperature you want to convert to:\nfor Celcius, enter C:\nfor Farenheit, enter F:";
    cout<< "\nfor Rankine, enter R:\nfor Kelvine, enter K:\n ";
    cin >> UNITS_out;

    // Temp K Calculations

    if ( UNITS_in == C)
    TEMP_K = Temp_in + 273.15; //UNITS_in = Celcius

    else if ( UNITS_in == F)
    TEMP_K = (Temp_in +459.67)*(5/9); //UNITS_in = Farenheit

    else if ( UNITS_in == R)
    TEMP_K = Temp_in *(5/9); //UNITS_in = Rankine
    else if( UNITS_in == K )

    TEMP_K = Temp_in ; //UNITS_in = Kelvine

    // Temp out calulations

    if ( UNITS_out == C)


    Temp_out = TEMP_K - 273.15; //UNITS_out = Celcius


    else if ( UNITS_out == F)


    Temp_out = TEMP_K *(9/5)-459.67; //UNITS_out = Farenheit


    else if ( UNITS_in == R)


    Temp_out = TEMP_K *(5/9); //UNITS_out = Rankine


    else (UNITS_in == K);

    Temp_out = TEMP_K ; //UNITS_out = Kelvine


    // Output Results

    cout << "\nYour temperature of" << Temp_in <<" degrees" << UNITS_in << "when converted ";
    cout << "\nresults in " << Temp_out << " degrees " << UNITS_out<<" \n ";

    return 0;


    Last edited by blutach; 5 Mar 2007, 09:56 AM.
  • AhelpingHand
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Mar 2007
    • 22

    The whole logic needs a re_thinking I think, to convert from Any unit to any unit, you need something like "A middle unit" So take the input, convert it to this Middle Unit, take the output and then convert this Middle unit to the output. Good Luck
    Last edited by AhelpingHand; 5 Mar 2007, 08:15 AM.
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