How to make and resize your Avatar using GIMP
First off you need gimp so go here and download it.Make sure you download and install GTK+ 2 Runtime Environment first then download and install GIMP version 2.2.14
Now we are ready to go
You can select what ever picture you like for your avatar size don't matter.Now Open your gimp and then select file/open

A new window will pop up to let you select your picture

OK now that you have done that this will show up

Ok now you notice my picture size is 450x299 and we want 100x100 to correct this we need to select image/scale image as shown below

Ok now you will see this

Where I have it highlighted in red this is where you can change the size of your image you noticed I put in 100 to get my desired size there is no need to type anything in the bottom it will do it automatically.I recommend you letting gimp auto adjust your size but you don't have to you can add your custom size by braking the chain link I have highlighted in blue(But I do warn if you do it that way your picture may look funny) (If your planning on adding a border make the size 2 pixels less. Lets say you want 100x100 then just type in 98 in the width box)
OK now you will see this

OK we now have the size we want
Now lets dress it up a bit by adding a border.Goto script-fu/decor/add border and this will pop up

Now set border size X & Y to 1 as shown above you can also change the color of your border by selecting border color button I chose black.
OK now your done all you have to do is save your new avatar by select file/save as
It may seem like a lot but once you memorize the steps it will take you 1-2 minutes.
Here is the end result

I hope I didn't miss anything
First off you need gimp so go here and download it.Make sure you download and install GTK+ 2 Runtime Environment first then download and install GIMP version 2.2.14
Now we are ready to go

You can select what ever picture you like for your avatar size don't matter.Now Open your gimp and then select file/open

A new window will pop up to let you select your picture

OK now that you have done that this will show up

Ok now you notice my picture size is 450x299 and we want 100x100 to correct this we need to select image/scale image as shown below

Ok now you will see this

Where I have it highlighted in red this is where you can change the size of your image you noticed I put in 100 to get my desired size there is no need to type anything in the bottom it will do it automatically.I recommend you letting gimp auto adjust your size but you don't have to you can add your custom size by braking the chain link I have highlighted in blue(But I do warn if you do it that way your picture may look funny) (If your planning on adding a border make the size 2 pixels less. Lets say you want 100x100 then just type in 98 in the width box)
OK now you will see this

OK we now have the size we want

Now set border size X & Y to 1 as shown above you can also change the color of your border by selecting border color button I chose black.
OK now your done all you have to do is save your new avatar by select file/save as

Here is the end result

I hope I didn't miss anything
