32 Bit or 64 Bit Vista?

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  • PurpleDemon
    Digital Video Expert
    Digital Video Expert
    • Mar 2006
    • 716

    32 Bit or 64 Bit Vista?

    Seems the my family members are all getting new computers.

    They seem to want the "package" deals.

    I guess that's okay, then they can get new computers in a year or so.

    I am noticing that many of the new ones out "especially notebooks" are being pre-loaded with Vista 64 bit.

    Isn't still too early to get on the 64 bit bandwagon?

    These computers will being used as basic games, print shop, and office apps as well as surfing the internet.

    Also I am considering a build that speaks Vista. That way when a problem comes up I know what there talking about.

    I am just wandering if I do 32 bit, am I wasting an OS that will be out of date soon because of the trend I am seeing.

    Any Thoughts.

    Thank You

  • doctorhardware
    Lord of Digital Video
    Lord of Digital Video
    • Dec 2006
    • 1907

    IMHO I would go with the 64 bit. The next os will be a 64 bit version only, this is MHO. I could be wrong
    Star Baby Girl, Born March,1997 Died June 30th 2007 6:35 PM.


    • MilesAhead
      • Nov 2006
      • 2615

      I think more and more you'll see machines off the shelf with >= 4 GB ram. From what I see online the preinstalled 64 bit Vista with SP 1 runs smooth esp. if you only intend to run it as configured.

      I have a 2 PC network and a kvma switch mainly so that if a new PC doesn't run programs I'm accustomed to, I can continue to use them on the old PC until I find a way to get it to run on the new machine or find another app to accomplish the same thing. As long as the new machine comes up smelling the network and internet then I can take my time customizing it etc..

      I guess that's a long-winded way of saying unless you can get a super bargain on an XP machine I'd get something with 4 GB or more with Vista 64 bit preinstalled, esp. if you can hang onto the old PC for awhile.
      Last edited by MilesAhead; 15 Sep 2008, 11:25 AM.


      • cynthia
        Super Moderatress
        • Jan 2004
        • 14278

        Ultimate is shipped with both a 32 and 64 installation disc in the same package.


        • PurpleDemon
          Digital Video Expert
          Digital Video Expert
          • Mar 2006
          • 716

          Originally Posted by cynthia
          Ultimate is shipped with both a 32 and 64 installation disc in the same package.

          I assmue that I could go from 32 to 64 anytime wih the same COA?

          Now is that also OEM Ultimate?

          Sounds like a better value.


          That pretty much answers it.

          I really tried to hang on to XP. I did not like XP x64, but this sounds like it is much better.

          From what I have seen of the leaks of Windows, it looks pretty much like a Vista shell.

          I was just afraid to recommend a limited system to my family.

          Thanks Everyone!


          • cynthia
            Super Moderatress
            • Jan 2004
            • 14278

            I got the 32 Ultimate OEM and if I remember it right - you can get a DVD with the 64 bit version for just the shipping cost from Microsoft the day you want to upgrade to 64. I think the 'full/expensive' Ultimate non OEM version is shipped with both versions included in the package from the beginning.


            • atifsh
              Lord of Digital Video
              Lord of Digital Video
              • May 2003
              • 1534

              i have yet to see one like cynthia said... as far i know officially they ship different dvd's for 32 and 64 bit, all of the versions are on on single dvd, means u can install ultimate or home basic from one dvd, using specific keys.

              now what oem's are doing is providing option to get 64bit on no extra price, thats just to make vista 64bit sales better.

              you will not gain anything from it, otherthen u can use morethen 3 gb of ram.
              still many many hardware drivers are not made for 64bit, and those hardware are pretty good to replace just for 64bit.
              Seems like as soon you buy somehing, v. 2 comes out 1.5 times as fast!..!


              • atifsh
                Lord of Digital Video
                Lord of Digital Video
                • May 2003
                • 1534

                Originally Posted by burrell84601
                I assmue that I could go from 32 to 64 anytime wih the same COA?
                that may not be that easy... when xp64 came microsoft gave an option to go from 32 to 64bit on just CD shipment price, but the catch was ur old 32bit COA would expire. but that option went off really quick.

                u have to ask microsoft if they allow to do that with vista aswell.
                Seems like as soon you buy somehing, v. 2 comes out 1.5 times as fast!..!


                • admin
                  • Nov 2001
                  • 8964

                  The driver situation is still the thing that is holding back 64 Bit computing. If you don't use any devices which require obscure drivers that aren't updated all that often, then there shouldn't be much of a problem as the most common devices should have 64 bit drivers available.

                  I think this is the link to the page where you can order the 64 bit version for the cost of shipping, but I'm not sure if it applies to OEM copies:

                  Visit Digital Digest and dvdloc8.com, My Blog


                  • PurpleDemon
                    Digital Video Expert
                    Digital Video Expert
                    • Mar 2006
                    • 716

                    Oh so Confusing

                    Seems a lot to think about. I do have to think of not only the hardware (which is an easy fix), but the software.
                    For example, the PC Games, Printmaster, freeware antivirus to name a few.

                    My Mother started all this and I recommended this one and it has worked out well. This is when it was on sale for $649.99

                    Now everyone else wants to jump on the bandwagon and I get to be the one to clean up the garbage to make it run right.

                    Hers has Vista Home Premium. I am just testing the water if that was a bad move or not. I know with her she does not want to understand why a computer works or how to fix it, she just wants everything as familiar as possible without calling me in to bail her out.

                    Now just thinking if I went 32 Home Premium, what would I really be losing.

                    I can't think of anything of the top of my head that would be using more than 4GB of ram. Then maybe upgrade to Windows 7 SP1.

                    Thanks for all the input.

                    I know there has been a few out there that just shook there head at this thread.


                    • MilesAhead
                      • Nov 2006
                      • 2615

                      My first PC had 1/2 MB system Ram and a 30 MB HD. I remember people bragging that this minicomputer had a GB or Ram and would "just suck the entire database off the HD and cache it" for super efficiency. Seems kind of laughable now. You'll be using 6 GB and lookin' for more before you know it!! (I can hear everyone saying "Yeah! Esp. if you're running Vista!!")

                      After watching MS produce OS over the years I wouldn't count on vaporware.


                      • doctorhardware
                        Lord of Digital Video
                        Lord of Digital Video
                        • Dec 2006
                        • 1907

                        My first PC,(which I still have), only had a 10 meg hard drive, had a NEC v20 CPU. Also had 640k of memory, back then the memory cost me around $300.00. I should take a picture and post it here.
                        Last edited by doctorhardware; 16 Sep 2008, 06:01 AM.
                        Star Baby Girl, Born March,1997 Died June 30th 2007 6:35 PM.


                        • MilesAhead
                          • Nov 2006
                          • 2615

                          You were living it up dude!!! My machine was a Leading Edge Model D
                          XT clone. Had one of those 8088 CPUs that pretended to be an 8086
                          but was only 8 bits wide!! It ran @ 4.77 MHZ but if you flipped the
                          Turbo Switch(which was always on of course) you got a blazing
                          7.16 MHZ!!

                          Great little machine though. I was playing around with assembler so
                          I don't know how many hundreds of times I cycled the power on
                          that thing after a lockup!!! Never had an issue with it... other
                          than being slow, obsolete and not having any virtual memory
                          that is. On the plus side it was slow enough you didn't
                          have to run a benchmark. If you optimized something you
                          could watch the hamsters run faster.


                          • copyless
                            Digital Video Expert
                            Digital Video Expert
                            • Apr 2006
                            • 713

                            Originally Posted by doctorhardware
                            My first PC,(which I still have), only had a 10 meg hard drive, had a NEC v20 CPU. Also had 640k of memory, back then the memory cost me around $300.00. I should take a picture and post it here.
                            I think I had the model just before that one, I will have to dig it out and see, what I do remember for sure is on the front it had a sticker that said "Lightning Fast, more power than you will ever need". I believe it ran @ 10Mhz, with 256k of memory, it was an NEC.


                            • atifsh
                              Lord of Digital Video
                              Lord of Digital Video
                              • May 2003
                              • 1534

                              Originally Posted by cynthia
                              I got the 32 Ultimate OEM and if I remember it right - you can get a DVD with the 64 bit version for just the shipping cost from Microsoft the day you want to upgrade to 64. I think the 'full/expensive' Ultimate non OEM version is shipped with both versions included in the package from the beginning.

                              yup u'r right... 2 dvd's comes with the purchace of ultimate edition. i was thinking bout both 32 and 64 on one dvd

                              "Please note that 64-bit media is included in the box with the purchase of Windows Vista Ultimate. "
                              Seems like as soon you buy somehing, v. 2 comes out 1.5 times as fast!..!

