Hi have been running XP Pro SP3 i shutdown normally last night no problems. I turned the machine on this morning and XP boots just passed the splash screen then restarts in a continuos loop.
I booted via safe this works and 50% of the time. I then used the my XP disk to run the recovery utility. Did a Chkdsk /r and receive the following error 'the volume contains one or more unrecoverable problems'! Not sure if my install has gone bad or my HDD. Don't want to waste time reinstalling XP on a dud drive!
I do remember seeing an error the last time i ran XP something about user32.dll not functioning.
I run 2x 250Gb on a raid. If this is one of the HDD's going bang how can i check which one it is. Lucky i did a backup recently so not to worried about losing any data. Any help of advise greatly received.
I booted via safe this works and 50% of the time. I then used the my XP disk to run the recovery utility. Did a Chkdsk /r and receive the following error 'the volume contains one or more unrecoverable problems'! Not sure if my install has gone bad or my HDD. Don't want to waste time reinstalling XP on a dud drive!

I run 2x 250Gb on a raid. If this is one of the HDD's going bang how can i check which one it is. Lucky i did a backup recently so not to worried about losing any data. Any help of advise greatly received.