Video file time length is incorrect after converting to M2TS

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  • AdrenalineRush
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Mar 2008
    • 5

    Video file time length is incorrect after converting to M2TS

    Hi everyone,

    I dont know whether anyone else has noticed it or not.

    I use TsMuxer for converting any High Definition MKV/BluRay/HD-DVD files to M2TS files which can be stored on the harddisk and can be streamed via DLNA Server or USB storage to the PS3.

    The files can be played fine without any trouble, however I always notice the file time scale is shown incorrectly in the file information pop-up. The AVI/DIVx files show correct length of the movie , however all M2TS files show as having a length of 99:99:00.

    Due to it if I seek (FF)forward / (RR)backward in the M2TS file while playing , the movie does not resumes playing from the new forwarded position. I have to press the stop button and then play again to play the movie from the desired location.

    Another glitch seems to be in the scene search feature. In PS3 Firmware 2.5 the whole video file can be split in scene durations of 1-5 minutes along the time scale so I can search and start playing from the desired position in the file . However this option also seems to be working correctly only with the AVI/DIVx files and the M2TS files just seek indefinitely without any output in the scene search windows.

    Hope to get a clue from someone about how to fix the correct file lenght when muxing the file in the M2TS container.

  • ed klein
    • Mar 2004
    • 880

    Wouldn't it be easier to take your M2TS files and build them on a size of BD-5 (4.7gb), BD-9 (8.5gb), or 25gb (BD-R) blank disk and create a compliant Blu-ray structure with tsmuxer? Then play the disk on your PS-3

    Are you using the latest issue of TSMUXER? The latest issue might correct the time scale problem (version 1.8.8b)

    Try using TSREMUXER, its not as good as TSMUXER but it might correct the time scale problem. (version 21.2)

    I can't get into playing from the hard drive like a VCR. fast forward, fast reverse.

    Also, build chapter points anywhere you want to with TSMUXER, so you can go back and forward on the disk and not the hard drive, plus the home made compliant Blu-ray disks don't eat up hard drive space where you are storing your movies.
    Last edited by ed klein; 19 Oct 2008, 10:29 AM.


    • AdrenalineRush
      Junior Member
      Junior Member
      • Mar 2008
      • 5

      No i guess that would not be easier.

      The idea is to have a complete digital media entertainment solution , and I already have separate mass storage (> 1 TB) for this purpose. Have bought separate NAS device and network router for it.

      Burning on optical media and manually changing everytime I want to watch a new movie is not exactly the fantasy i was having with this kind of setup.



      • Buxtona
        Junior Member
        Junior Member
        • Feb 2010
        • 1

        Hi AdrenalineRush

        Did you have any joy with the file length issue. I have also bought a nas and want a digital library of High quality films but have also come across this issue. Any help would be good


        • admin
          • Nov 2001
          • 8964

          With your MKV files, you can try mkv2vob, which outputs to several different PS3 compatible formats (like MPG or VOB, or M2TS), which may behave better in terms of seeking and file length displays.
          Visit Digital Digest and, My Blog

