So, my PS3 finally arrived!
I did the initial setup and it's all hooked up via HDMI now. But I had a couple questions that I couldn't figure out right away.
I got the Blu-Ray remote with it, since my parents don't know anything about using controllers to control movies. It's far nicer than the Xbox 360 media remote, since it uses Bluetooth I can aim it anywhere and it still works. However, I noticed a lot of the buttons are redundant. About 4 of them pause the movie, and at least a couple do fast-forward/rewind, etc. Can those buttons be changed? Or disabled?
Now, as far as actually playing Blu-Rays goes. I only have two Blu-Ray movies (and a couple I rented from Blockbuster that I haven't tried yet), Terminator 2 and Transformers. And it came with one that had some trailers and stuff. With Transformers, one time I tried it, it said "loading" for about 5 minutes, I got fed up and in order to get the menu to show I had to delete the user data from it. Now it seems to work fine. Is that a mistake or does that problem happen a lot?
And one thing I noticed with Terminator 2 is that on some of the bumpers, like the THX logo, my TV was actually showing 1080i or some non-1080p resolution. Additionally, it seems like for each movie, I see the little "HDMI1" box on my screen about 5 times before the actual movie starts. (And the screen flickers black) Is this due to HDCP? Or changing resolutions? Is it possible to make it so it JUST goes to the menu and not flashes my screen a bunch of times?
And I couldn't find this option - but can I force it to upscale everything to 1080p, whether it's natively that way or not? (DVDs were upscaling fine)
(By the way, I ended up buying Transformers on Blu-Ray just because I got fed up at the HDCP problem with the Xbox 360... I'll just sell that HD-DVD off to somebody or give it away... if you're reading this and are interested let me know
Now, for updating. BD-Live didn't work of course, as I haven't updated it. I do have it hooked up to my wireless network. Is it safe to install the newest update now? Or should I wait a bit?
I'm sure I'll have a lot more questions when I try it out some more, with more BD movies. Does anyone know if the newest 80GB model will play PS1 games? I know they don't do PS2 now due to Sony crippling their models, but what about PS1? Unless I find $60 lying on the ground I probably won't buy any PS3 games - that is, until they have some for $20 or less like they do for Wii and Xbox 360.
I did the initial setup and it's all hooked up via HDMI now. But I had a couple questions that I couldn't figure out right away.
I got the Blu-Ray remote with it, since my parents don't know anything about using controllers to control movies. It's far nicer than the Xbox 360 media remote, since it uses Bluetooth I can aim it anywhere and it still works. However, I noticed a lot of the buttons are redundant. About 4 of them pause the movie, and at least a couple do fast-forward/rewind, etc. Can those buttons be changed? Or disabled?
Now, as far as actually playing Blu-Rays goes. I only have two Blu-Ray movies (and a couple I rented from Blockbuster that I haven't tried yet), Terminator 2 and Transformers. And it came with one that had some trailers and stuff. With Transformers, one time I tried it, it said "loading" for about 5 minutes, I got fed up and in order to get the menu to show I had to delete the user data from it. Now it seems to work fine. Is that a mistake or does that problem happen a lot?
And one thing I noticed with Terminator 2 is that on some of the bumpers, like the THX logo, my TV was actually showing 1080i or some non-1080p resolution. Additionally, it seems like for each movie, I see the little "HDMI1" box on my screen about 5 times before the actual movie starts. (And the screen flickers black) Is this due to HDCP? Or changing resolutions? Is it possible to make it so it JUST goes to the menu and not flashes my screen a bunch of times?
And I couldn't find this option - but can I force it to upscale everything to 1080p, whether it's natively that way or not? (DVDs were upscaling fine)
(By the way, I ended up buying Transformers on Blu-Ray just because I got fed up at the HDCP problem with the Xbox 360... I'll just sell that HD-DVD off to somebody or give it away... if you're reading this and are interested let me know

Now, for updating. BD-Live didn't work of course, as I haven't updated it. I do have it hooked up to my wireless network. Is it safe to install the newest update now? Or should I wait a bit?
I'm sure I'll have a lot more questions when I try it out some more, with more BD movies. Does anyone know if the newest 80GB model will play PS1 games? I know they don't do PS2 now due to Sony crippling their models, but what about PS1? Unless I find $60 lying on the ground I probably won't buy any PS3 games - that is, until they have some for $20 or less like they do for Wii and Xbox 360.