Ok. Here goes. Bing or Google.

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  • dr_ml422
    Lord of Digital Video
    Lord of Digital Video
    • May 2007
    • 1903

    Ok. Here goes. Bing or Google.

    Eye candy aside and bias opinions as much as possible, has anyone really seen a major difference in searches regarding hits between Bing and Google? Again a major difference. Had a discussion w/some friends and from our end didn't see any. Others feel Bing has come up lil better. A thing to keep in mind is what usually happens w/something new, so surveys I feel would be a mood point to bring up.

    Take the suggestions and follow the directions. The results will speak for themselves.

    Google is definitely our friend.
  • admin
    • Nov 2001
    • 8964

    Doing a really non scientific method of comparison, do a search for "AVI Recomp Guide". With the Bing results, even if you take out the Digital Digest links, you still have good relevant links to sites like free-codecs.com, cdr-zone.com and softpedia.com, but none of these sites appear in the Google top 10, and instead, you get a couple of warez/torrent sites. Remember that AVI Recomp is a free software available to download from lots of respectable places like the sites I listed above, so why would anyone need a link to a torrent site and who knows what comes with the torrent version of the file.

    Do a search for "ImgBurn", and notice how the official forum of ImgBurn doesn't come up until the second page on Google's results, yet it is (rightly) the second or third result on Bing. Both have those small "sitelinks" underneath the first result, that does contain the link to the forum, but I would prefer to have a full link instead.

    These are just some of my recent experiences, and I can bet you can find the exact opposite on other search terms. And because Bing is not so much a target for spam right now as it's not very popular, it will only get worse over time. None of them are winning the fight against spam though.

    But Google wins hands down in one area - fast results. And I mean fast. Search for the first sentence of dr_ml422's post above, and I can already find this thread in the Google results, despite the post being only a couple of hours old. On the other hand, even some of the posts made yesterday on this forum hasn't been indexed by Bing yet, despite seeing lots of MSN bots on the forum itself crawling through the content all the time.
    Visit Digital Digest and dvdloc8.com, My Blog


    • dr_ml422
      Lord of Digital Video
      Lord of Digital Video
      • May 2007
      • 1903

      The ImgBurn search for just ImgBurn will turn up the app. itself and any download sites like cnet, here, Imgburn etc... I don't know if the average user will search for a .com site or forum in the search. I go directly to the address bar and type imgburn.com. Boom. I have all I need. Then again I've been down w/Imgburn for a while and like I posted in a previous thread I decided to do that address bar thing to download anything from the main sites or official mirrors like DD. More likely not to have malware that way.

      Now for the guide did you try wording it differently? That's a biggie w/any search engine. Maybe "best guide for AVI Recomp Guide".

      I'll do the test now. Also take into account that both are monitoring your browser habits, so if more of a IE 8 Bing guy it will direct you to more applicable hits. Google does the same. Both however like you mentioned contain their share of spam and w/e. Are you doing a search from your regular pc, or using one of the pcs connected to your mainframe network w/the site and all? That might also produce more spam. Brb.

      Ok I got this 1st hit in the search for ImgBurn w/Google>http://www.google.com/search?q=imgbu...ient=firefox-a

      I got this for AVI Recomp Guide. > http://www.google.com/search?q=AVI+R...ient=firefox-a

      Both have official site no? ImgBurn 1st hit and AVI 3rd I think? Also remember Google is torrent land. What IE used to shut out Google always provided.

      Bing> http://www.bing.com/search?q=Imgburn&FORM=MSNH11&qs=n Almost same for ImgBurn

      Bing. http://www.bing.com/search?q=AVI+Rec...form=QBRE&qs=n Ok so it had some sites 1st for the guides that we know including here, but also had videohelp and check this out. The main site is way down in Bing. So I don't think it's the same 4 everyone across the board. I might be wrong. Check out the links.
      Last edited by dr_ml422; 18 Sep 2009, 01:42 AM.

      Take the suggestions and follow the directions. The results will speak for themselves.

      Google is definitely our friend.


      • admin
        • Nov 2001
        • 8964

        No I was saying that forum.imgburn.com doesn't com up until the second page on Google, but it should be much higher than that, considering that it's the official forum.

        For the "AVI Recomp Guide" search, the problem is as I described where there are too many torrent/warez sites in the top 10 results that may lead to dangerous downloads or malware. And they are misleading as well, with one says something about a crack for AVI Recomp, even though it's a free software. This particular type of result is the one I find most annoying, where Google basically links to the search results page of another search engine (this time, it's a site specific one). I've banned Google from listing search results pages of Digital Digest as a result.

        In any case, the respectable video sites that are in Bing, like free-codecs.com and cdr-zone.com, should at least be somewhere in the top 10 on Google, to replace those torrent sites.

        As for the official site, it probably shouldn't rank that high, as it doesn't have a guide for the software (there is only a guide on how to help with the translation for the software). If you do a search on Google for "AVI Recomp" only, then the results are much more sensible, and includes the "bigger" sites, if you will.
        Visit Digital Digest and dvdloc8.com, My Blog


        • dr_ml422
          Lord of Digital Video
          Lord of Digital Video
          • May 2007
          • 1903

          I understand what you mean as far as respectable/reputable sites. Nothing's perfect. Now through my experience most that own a computer don't know anything about them including safe hexing. It's trial and error. Unless of course you take the plunge like we all did and join some forum to learn what needs to be had about everything computer related.

          Common sense not being common anymore would tell someone that the official site of any software etc... would somehow lead to other info including a forum. Like I said some don't even know what a forum is, so finding a search in the top ten really in their case is futile. For example a newbie searching for some digital info might come across your site at the 1st page 1st entry lets say. They don't know what DD has to offer or what it's about until they come here. We know it's safe, but they don't know squat. So initially they're taking a chance going anywhere if they're green about the web etc...

          Now remember the same way you just banned Google from posting any search results so have others. Prolly those reputable sites as well. Now for what reason no one knows really. I would guess like I suggested that since Bing is new along w/all the hype around 7 etc... that some of these sites decided to jump on Bing and ride the wave until it hits the beach. From a webmaster's point of view it's important where you come up on the web and how. For the user that pays Best Buy's Geek Squad to put a disc in their burner for $180.00 it's just school of hard knocks. I was a beginner in some respects. Not as far as throwing my $$$ away, but as far as browsing etc... Now I could tell straight off the back what's looking kosher and what's not.

          It's a different experience for you because you know all the reputable sites for digital video etc... so when you search and you don't find what you know should be where it's annoying. Again from a business point of view which you just can't help being the web is a vital and integral part of your site, then yes it's a concern. I don't seriously think Google is disappearing any time soon. I'm guessing once this Bing fad blows over and Google does w/e they know needs to be done everything will be ok.

          Hey, stay away from Google for a while and see what happens. I'm so use to my Gmail and FF, and the security features that I can't see myself abandoning it for IE and Bing cause of some search result. I'll get what I want eventually. Even the thought of using another search engine besides Bing doesn't come to mind.

          I had to tell my potential clients and friends that I'll sell them a custom build, not teach them how to use it.

          Lets see what some of the other fellas say about this. Hope they wake up soon. Lol...

          I did the AVI Recomp search and yes it came up w/more sensible stuff. Just one word will produce a whole new set of hits. That's the way it is w/all searches. Miles taught me that one.
          Last edited by dr_ml422; 18 Sep 2009, 09:47 AM.
          SAMSUNG SH-S203B, SAMSUNG SH-S223F,

          Take the suggestions and follow the directions. The results will speak for themselves.

          Google is definitely our friend.


          • doctorhardware
            Lord of Digital Video
            Lord of Digital Video
            • Dec 2006
            • 1907

            With IE 8 avi recomp is the 5th entry from the top of the google suggestions. The official web site is the first on the list of the web sties. When I type just Image on the list it is the 7th entry on the list. Then on the page it is the first entry. So it looks like it depends on which IE version that you use.
            Star Baby Girl, Born March,1997 Died June 30th 2007 6:35 PM.


            • dr_ml422
              Lord of Digital Video
              Lord of Digital Video
              • May 2007
              • 1903

              Think it also varys according to location and browser habits. It'll be impossible to have all hits in same slot when many do same search correct? They also monitor ones browsing habits to supposedly make searches faster.
              SAMSUNG SH-S203B, SAMSUNG SH-S223F,

              Take the suggestions and follow the directions. The results will speak for themselves.

              Google is definitely our friend.


              • admin
                • Nov 2001
                • 8964

                It also depends on which server you connect to and which location you are connecting from. Searching from Australia (even using google.com, and not google.com.au) will give you different results if you searched from the US (and even different cities give you different results). Bing does the same too.

                My recommendation is to say with Google for now, as Bing's results are either pretty good or very awful, whereas Google's results are generally good but with a bit more hint of manipulation by unscrupulous webmasters. If you can't find things you want on Google, don't be afraid to test out Bing - you might be pleasantly surprised.
                Visit Digital Digest and dvdloc8.com, My Blog


                • dr_ml422
                  Lord of Digital Video
                  Lord of Digital Video
                  • May 2007
                  • 1903

                  That's what I was figuring. Some firmware sites before HQ I had to go to IE, as Gmail still didn't support them.
                  SAMSUNG SH-S203B, SAMSUNG SH-S223F,

                  Take the suggestions and follow the directions. The results will speak for themselves.

                  Google is definitely our friend.


                  • katzdvd
                    Lord of Digital Video
                    Lord of Digital Video
                    • Feb 2006
                    • 2198

                    Give Startpage a try - they don't spy on you by logging the I.P and remembering searches...


                    • dr_ml422
                      Lord of Digital Video
                      Lord of Digital Video
                      • May 2007
                      • 1903

                      Originally Posted by katzdvd
                      Give Startpage a try - they don't spy on you by logging the I.P and remembering searches...
                      Just Bookmarked it and will try it asaic. Thnx Katz.
                      SAMSUNG SH-S203B, SAMSUNG SH-S223F,

                      Take the suggestions and follow the directions. The results will speak for themselves.

                      Google is definitely our friend.


                      • dr_ml422
                        Lord of Digital Video
                        Lord of Digital Video
                        • May 2007
                        • 1903

                        I agree w/you in that people's habits are hard to change. I still use Google as my default web browser even when it crashes in FF. When I start going the IE Bing route I usually always get some off the wall bug or something where I have to do a system restore point etc... I just started w/7 x64 Home Premium so as yet have tinkered w/any real tweaks like I did w/XP Home. In XP Home I actually had it to the point where I just chucked System Restore w/a custom install using nLite. I'll have to get more into 7 x64 and what's available tweak wise, but also wait until all the bugs or w/e are straightened out before I go ahead and master my machine again.

                        I think no matter what I'll always have IE/Bing as a backup, unless something crazy happens like M$ taking over completely, which I don't see happening. Crazier things have happened though.
                        SAMSUNG SH-S203B, SAMSUNG SH-S223F,

                        Take the suggestions and follow the directions. The results will speak for themselves.

                        Google is definitely our friend.


                        • cynthia
                          Super Moderatress
                          • Jan 2004
                          • 14278

                          Spent a week with Bing and many times I had to re do the search in Google to come up with something useful. So I'm back with Google again.


                          • MilesAhead
                            • Nov 2006
                            • 2615

                            the old new thing

                            Originally Posted by admin
                            Doing a really non scientific method of comparison, do a search for "AVI Recomp Guide". With the Bing results, even if you take out the Digital Digest links, you still have good relevant links to sites like free-codecs.com, cdr-zone.com and softpedia.com, but none of these sites appear in the Google top 10, and instead, you get a couple of warez/torrent sites. Remember that AVI Recomp is a free software available to download from lots of respectable places like the sites I listed above, so why would anyone need a link to a torrent site and who knows what comes with the torrent version of the file.
                            The old new thing!! Just for grins I did a search of Avi Recomp Guide as suggested, only using AltaVista. The top 5 sites I got in order are:

                            digital digest

                            Plus everyone has forgotten AltaVista is still there. No waiting.


                            • dr_ml422
                              Lord of Digital Video
                              Lord of Digital Video
                              • May 2007
                              • 1903

                              Originally Posted by cynthia
                              Spent a week with Bing and many times I had to re do the search in Google to come up with something useful. So I'm back with Google again.
                              Hi Cynthia, I was having a lot of crashes w/FF, and so I uninstalled it on my new build to see if Ff was the issue. Well no more crashing of FF obviously, and no more shutting down of Explorer which also was happening.

                              So which version of FF are you using if any, and are you using a x64 version of Windows 7? Let me know because I really don't want to be using IE 8 as my default browser. I also did some work arounds pertaining to the crashing of Explorer, and it hasn't crashed. I have Windows 7 Home Premium. Any insight or suggestion on this will be appreciated as always.

                              I'm on FF right now on my 1st build that has 7 x64 Home as well. The version is 3.5.6 I believe. Maybe the Beta addressed these issues?

                              Just now read System Requirements, and no mention of 7 at all. so maybe that's it in a nutshell. I'm surprised they haven't already included a complete, and thorough compatibilty with 7.

                              Otn, I just read Chrome OS is out on a Netbook. So I read.
                              Last edited by dr_ml422; 26 Dec 2009, 10:59 AM.
                              SAMSUNG SH-S203B, SAMSUNG SH-S223F,

                              Take the suggestions and follow the directions. The results will speak for themselves.

                              Google is definitely our friend.

