I have a dvd that was made at Magic Mountain (bungee jumping, yay!). Anyway, I can only play the dvd because the player is an .exe file. I can't post it to facebook or email it to friends because the ISPs won't allow this type of file to be sent. How can I make the dvd to a format that I can post and email?
convert .exe file to another format so I can post/email
Just zip the exe file. Maybe include a readme.txt that the exe has a built-in player as explanation why it's exe. Most of the zip downloads on my site have exe as well as text files. 7-zip is very easy to use and free. Also Windows has built in zip support. -
One trick that seems to work is to simply rename the extension of the file from .exe to .abc (using .zip or .rar sometimes won't work either), and then ask you friend to rename the file back when he downloads it. Some ISPs will also accept executables that have been zipped (use the built-in function in Windows Vista/7, or 7-zip/WinZIP/WinRAR), but gmail I know does not allow .exe files even in ZIP containers (so you'll have to use the extension renaming trick to get it to work).
Another way is to upload to a file host, like RapidShare. If you don't want to share your file with the Internet, you can password encrypt the file (for eg. use the free 7-zip tool to compress + password protect the file) and share the password with those that you want to share the file with (although it still can be easily cracked for those intent on doing so, but I don't suppose security is that much of a concern, right?). There's also something like pipebytes.com that allows you to share files with one person per upload privately.Comment
Are you sure there aren't any other files on the disc? Maybe there are some hidden ones (in Vista/7, use these instructions to show hidden files, for XP, refer to this page).Comment