DVD Flick Menu Templates

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  • Ed Wood
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Aug 2012
    • 13

    DVD Flick Menu Templates

    I have been using DVD Flick for several years. Through the years I have built up a library of Menu Templates. After a hard drive crash, I lost all of my menu templates. I have googled trying to find some created DVD Flick Menu Templates without success. There used to be a DVD Flick forum hosted on phpbb, but now seems to be offline.

    Does anyone know where you can get DVD Flick menu templates? There are only five templates built into DVD Flick. There have been at least 50+ that have been created by DVD Flick users. I am starting to build a library of the Perry Mason TV series, and the built in menu templates are insufficient.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
    Ed Wood
  • MilesAhead
    • Nov 2006
    • 2615

    This page looks the most promising
    Editing a DVDFlick template file


    • Ed Wood
      Junior Member
      Junior Member
      • Aug 2012
      • 13


      Thank you for your response. I have tried editing the existing templates in the past to make my own and found it very tricky to get everything working properly. That is why I am looking for Menu Templates that have already been created. Since the latest version of DVD Flick only has 5 built in templates, you do not have a very good selection to choose from. I think that I will look through my archive zip files to find the oldest version of DVD Flick that I have and recover the template files from it.

      At one time the website PHPBB.com hosted a forum for DVD Flick users that had many Menu Templates listed. I even posted a few myself that I had created (Star Trek TNG, Original Star Trek, etc.). The DVD Flick forum has been offline every time I have checked it for the past couple of weeks, so I think it must no longer exist.

      Thanks for your help.
      Ed Wood


      • MilesAhead
        • Nov 2006
        • 2615

        Flick is out of development so that makes it difficult. You might try this forum:
        Authoring (DVD)

        someone may remember how it's done.
        I've used Flick but I don't often use menus. And even then I'll only do it if I have a wizard that makes it easy. I think I did one where I drew my own button. That was enough for me. Plus motion menus piss me off anyway. I have no desire to really get deep into the arcana.


        • Ed Wood
          Junior Member
          Junior Member
          • Aug 2012
          • 13

          Thanks, milesahead, for your response.

          After searching through my stack of cd's where I archived my old files/programs in case of a hard disk failure, I found a zip file that contained all of the menu template folders that I had downloaded and/or modified related to DVD Flick.

          I am surprised that DVD Flick is out of production since it is the best FREE open source code software for burning different file formats to a movie DVD format.

          Thanks again,


          • MilesAhead
            • Nov 2006
            • 2615

            I also miss FAVC and QuEnc. Real life gets in the way at times I guess.


            • John5000
              Junior Member
              Junior Member
              • Aug 2012
              • 1

              Hello Ed Wood,

              I have been looking several days for the DVD Flick menu templates, without any success.

              I would be extremelly grateful if you could email me the zip file with the DVD Flick menu templates that you mention in your message.

              My email is on

              http (colon) (slash) (slash) scr (period) im (slash) 2okr

              Thank you very much


              • Ed Wood
                Junior Member
                Junior Member
                • Aug 2012
                • 13

                I found a new movie creator program that is open source code that does a good job, and is much easier to create/modify menus that DVDFlick. it is called DVD Styler. It also is free! The link to the download site is: http (colon) (slash) (slash) dvdstyler (period) org

                If any other people beside Jean want the archived DVDFlick templates that I have, please post on this website. I need to have at least ten posts in order to upload attachments. Or, you can send me your email, and I will email them directly to you. The template zip file is so large that it has to be broken down into smaller files to send in an email.

                Have a great weekend.
                Ed Wood


                • MikeMillen
                  Junior Member
                  Junior Member
                  • Aug 2012
                  • 1

                  Originally Posted by Ed Wood
                  If any other people beside Jean want the archived DVDFlick templates that I have, please post on this website. I need to have at least ten posts in order to upload attachments. Or, you can send me your email, and I will email them directly to you.
                  Ed Wood
                  Hi Ed.

                  I'd be most grateful for a copy of your template archive.
                  If it's not too much trouble, please email to: mikemillen-AT-ukgateway-DOT-net

                  Many thanks,


                  • Ed Wood
                    Junior Member
                    Junior Member
                    • Aug 2012
                    • 13

                    Hey all,

                    Since several people have contacted me about the DVDFlick Menu Templates, I have reduced the size of the zip files so that I can post them on this forum.

                    First, download them, then unzip them to the C:\Program Files\DVDFlick\Template (the default directory) or to whichever drive and sub-directory that you have installed DVDFlick to.

                    Once you have unzipped the files to the proper directory, you can access them inside DVDFlick under the Menu Selection tab.

                    There are ten files in the template package. Since the maximum file upload is five, the other five will be in another post.


                    Ed Wood
                    Attached Files
                    Last edited by Ed Wood; 28 Aug 2012, 03:17 AM.


                    • Ed Wood
                      Junior Member
                      Junior Member
                      • Aug 2012
                      • 13

                      Here are the other five zip files.


                      Ed Wood
                      Attached Files


                      • admin
                        • Nov 2001
                        • 8964

                        Big thanks!
                        Visit Digital Digest and dvdloc8.com, My Blog


                        • Hibbs
                          Junior Member
                          Junior Member
                          • Jul 2006
                          • 3

                          Many thanks for sharing your templates, I have been using DVDFlick for many years, a great program.


                          • RichPasco
                            Software Engineering Consultant
                            • Dec 2012
                            • 1

                            Where is the main technical discussion for DVD Flick? I found a DVD Flick Forum here, but for reasons I don't understand it seems to have been closed and archived:
                            Digital Video Forums > Other > Archive (Closed) > DVD Flick
                            or, http (colon) (slash) (slash) forum (dot) digital-digest (dot) com (slash) f146 (slash)
                            Last edited by RichPasco; 11 Dec 2012, 01:21 PM.


                            • Ed Wood
                              Junior Member
                              Junior Member
                              • Aug 2012
                              • 13

                              Rich, You asked the following:

                              My issue is this. Using DVD Flick, I burned a Quicktime movie to a
                              DVD. Problem is, when I play it, the audio starts right away but the
                              video freezes on the first frame for 2 minutes and 25 seconds before
                              it starts. Thereafter the video lags behind the audio by this much.

                              No good, of course. But what went wrong, and how do I fix it?

                              - Rich
                              __________________________________________________ _________________________________

                              I am by no means an expert on DVD Flick. Having used it for a few years I have discovered some similar issues.

                              1. The usual reason for the freezing of the video at the beginning is probably caused by the computer being used for another purpose while the video is being encoded. I have found that I must let the computer run uninterrupted. For this reason, I now use a laptop computer to do the encoding and burning. That frees up my desktop for others to use.

                              2. Are you using .avi files in DVD Flick to burn your project. I have found that some .avi files have a lip sync problem like you described. There are some good free programs available to correct this lip sync problem. Just Google for lip sync issues and try some of them.

                              3. Since DVD Flick is no longer supported nor upgraded, I am trying to switch over to a new program that is open source, and still being upgraded and supported. It is called AVS2DVD. You can google it and download it. One of the things I like about AVS2DVD is that it is easier to create menus in this program than it is in DVD Flick. If you like to have menus in your projects, I think you will like AVS2DVD. You can add .jpeg files and create your own customized menus.

                              Good luck with your project.
                              Ed Wood

