I have just purchaed a new computer, a Lenova 2T hd, Intel i7 cpu, runs great, problem is it takes forever to burn, I took out the orginal drive, and replaced it with a Nec 7200s and added a 7241, still takes twice the time of my other older computer, I know that RMA had a lot to do with that, but when I go into device manager it does not show any RMA and no way to add it, I am using Win 8 , don't like it but it came with the package and I am not familiar with this program. Any ideas greatly appreciated.
Slow burns
Have you gone onto the NEC site to look for new W8 drivers? Perhaps there's been an update since the package was released.
I don't think it will work in this case, but there's an old support trick... boot the machine in Safe Mode. Go into Device Manager and delete the hardware. Reboot. It should reinstall the driver. I would make a Restore Point first. Also I wouldn't do it if the HD and the optical drive are on the same controller. Don't want to get in the situation where you can't boot the machine.
If the reboot seems successful, check in Device Manager for DMA settings.
But I would go to NEC site first anc check for the latest drivers if you haven't already.
edit: also I would download Imgburn. It tends to tell you lots of information during the burn. If it also gives a slow burn I would post in the Imgburn forum. As you might expect the author of Imgburn knows a lot about optical drives and burning.Last edited by MilesAhead; 21 Sep 2013, 03:06 AM.