I updated to version When I burn anything with DVD Flick, it always asks if I want to update to the latest edition, which I've done already. What must I do to make it stop asking if I want to update? I tried deleting the old version, but it still asks with every burn, stopping the burn process until I answer the update question. Help!!
imgburn update won't take...
I think Flick bundles with an old version of ImgBurn (after all 2.4.1 only came out yesterday). So, until Flick catches up, output to files, do not call ImgBurn from flick and open your newly installed updated ImgBurn manually.
By the way, this practice of bundling is very norty. ImgBurn has plenty of CLI calling power and I am not at all sure DVD Flick has LUK!'s permission to bundle.
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You should only use genuine Verbatim or Taiyo Yuden media. Many thanks to www.pcx.com.au for their supply and great service.
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That will ensure you do not get updates for the "real ImgBurn" and only run with the version bundled with DVD Flick! I'd turn them back on and run DVD Flick without calling ImgBurn from within it (i.e. call ImgBurn manually after your project has been authored).
This really is getting quite bothersome. I wonder how much license fee DVD Flick paid to LUK?
Essential progs - [PgcEdit] [VobBlanker] [MenuShrink] [IfoEdit] [Muxman] [DVD Remake Pro] [DVD Rebuilder] [BeSweet] [Media Player Classic] [DVDSubEdit] [ImgBurn]
Media and Burning - [Golden Rules of Burning] [Media quality] [Fix your DMA] [Update your Firmware] [What's my Media ID Code?] [How to test your disc]
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You should only use genuine Verbatim or Taiyo Yuden media. Many thanks to www.pcx.com.au for their supply and great service.
Explore the sites and the programs - there's a gold mine of information in them
I just had a read through the forums at Dvd Flick. It seems V2.2 is the latest Imgburn to be bundled.
Its a bit odd. They are getting burning problems - sometimes caused by an old version installed - and posting on the Dvd Flick forum instead of, more properly in my view, IBF. They are even quoting from IBF.
You are right blu, it would be better if there was an option to burn with Ingburn if installed a la Dvd Rebuilder with no bundling.
Perhaps an email...?Comment
I don't even use the prog - let the users who have problems with Flick complain to them. IMO, it's not an ImgBurn problem, but the average user wont have a clue what's going on.
Essential progs - [PgcEdit] [VobBlanker] [MenuShrink] [IfoEdit] [Muxman] [DVD Remake Pro] [DVD Rebuilder] [BeSweet] [Media Player Classic] [DVDSubEdit] [ImgBurn]
Media and Burning - [Golden Rules of Burning] [Media quality] [Fix your DMA] [Update your Firmware] [What's my Media ID Code?] [How to test your disc]
[What's bitsetting?] [Burn dual layer disks safely] [Why not to burn with Ner0] [Interpret Ner0's burn errors] [Got bad playback?] [Burner/Media compatibility]
Cool Techniques - [2COOL's guides] [Clean your DVD] [Join a flipper] [Split into 2 DVDs] [Save heaps of Mb] [How to mock strip] [Cool Insert Clips]
Real useful info - [FAQ INDEX] [Compression explained] [Logical Remapping of Enabled Streams] [DVD-Replica] [Fantastic info on DVDs]
You should only use genuine Verbatim or Taiyo Yuden media. Many thanks to www.pcx.com.au for their supply and great service.
Explore the sites and the programs - there's a gold mine of information in them
The problem with the average user is they blame Imgburn for the problem instead of the faulty wiring and improper delivery of DVD Flick.
"I refuse to have a battle of wits with an unarmed person. It's not fair to you and no challenge for us."Walt KellyComment