Latest News forum rules

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  • admin
    • Nov 2001
    • 8957

    Latest News forum rules

    Welcome. This forum is used for posting and discussion of the latest news in the world of digital video (and video games). The purpose of this forum is to allow forum members to find news from news sources and post links to them here, and then allow discussion on these news items.

    This forum has a few additional rules that other forums do not have:

    1. Moderation: This forum is moderated. It means that every new thread must first be approved by a moderator before it can be seen publicly (to allow the moderators to enforce the rules listed here). New posts (reply to existing threads) are not moderated.

    2. Topic: The news stories should be related into the topics discussed on this forum (including the video games forums, but not including the off-topics forum for obvious reasons).

    3. Copyright: News stories are copyrighted, so do not copy and paste the entire article. The best way to do it is to post a link, and then write your own short summary/content to go along with it.

    4. Title: Please make sure the thread title is the exact title of the news story (additional information can be put in brackets at the end of the title)

    5. Source: Please try and only use major news outlets as sources (including major news websites), rather than blogs or forum posts as sources. Press releases are best left out. Exception includes new software version announcements (freeware/open source tools only), which can be linked to a forum post or a non news website - it is up to the moderators to decide which annoucements can be allowed, and which are deemed to be purely for promotional purposes.

    6. Duplication: Please do not post duplicate news items, even if they are from different news sources.

    7. Freshness: Please ensure the linked news is at most 2 or 3 days old

    Last edited by admin; 25 Apr 2007, 10:18 AM.
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