A man trying to pay a fee using $2 bills was arrested, handcuffed and taken to jail after clerks at a Best Buy store questioned the currency's legitimacy and called police. According to an account in the Baltimore Sun, 57-year-old Mike Bolesta was shocked to find himself taken to the Baltimore County lockup in Cockeysville, Md., where he was handcuffed to a pole for three hours while the U.S. Secret Service was called to weigh in on the case.
Off topic: Oldie, but goodie.
Anyone donating any? I had a $2 bill but I don't know what happened to it, I'd always like another collectibleCYA Later:
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I have 2 of them ( and "I AM CANADIAN" and knew that the US had $2 bills). Canada has had them for years before our twoonie was minted.
Why not contact the treasury (or your bank) and ask how to get some?Gary D
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