A video game banned in Britain and Ireland and facing restricted sales in the United States due to its violent content was a fine piece of art, the game's publisher said on Wednesday.
Banned game a 'fine piece of art'
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I never thought I'd say this but I agree with the banning. I am sick and tired of people "pushing the envelope" further and further in the name of freedom of speech and the like. At some point we have got to say enough is enough! -
I disagree. To give you an example let's go back 30 years, or so. If someone used the word, bitch, whore, s***, etc. in a song it would not have had any airplay. Those types of words are routinely used in songs today. What "freedoms" have we gained by allowing that? The words "Freedom of Speech" have been misused in order to allow people to get away with saying things in certain venues that were forbidden at one time.
Now let's take movies. I'm no prude, and I do love seeing a beautiful naked woman in a movie but realistically, before it became "allowable" movies were still enjoyed by many people. Do you think the movie Casablanca would have been more enjoyable if Bogart had told Bergman to "get on the f***ing plane"? Do you think Star Wars would have been better if Darth Vader had been called a bitch whore?Comment
I agree some whatBut Lucas chose not to use swear words in Star Wars instead he just chose to substitute them with stuff like nerferder and what ever the heck that thing said at the end of the pod race when he lost against Anikan . But people got it's meaning even though it was in what ever space gibberish Lucas put up there.I myself love gore in games and movies(the more the better) and I would like to have that choice to get it if I want.If people are worried about kids getting it then the responsibility falls on the game/movie maker(to add warning stickers or an R title),rental places,gaming stores and parents.I just don't think I should be denied something because parents and other parties want to take the easy way out instead of taking an extra effort watching there kids or stores being to lazy to card some one.
Last edited by BR7; 25 Jun 2007, 04:43 AM.Comment